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"J-Jungkook?" Y/n spoke with wide eyes. Jungkook opened his mouth and smiled a bit before nodding his head slowly. 

The two stared at each other with wide eyes full of sadness and happiness. The feelings traveled inside them. Y/n was happy but also sad. She didn't understand what to say. It was making her feel weird. Jungkook was shocked and happy at the same time. 

They stood like that for a while not being able to understand what to do or say. words just wouldn't come out of their mouth. It was confusing what are they supposed to even say? After 13 years they are meeting each other. Jungkook started. 

"Y-you look very beautiful" he spoke smiling and he meant it. His sister had grown into such a beautiful teen. They looked so similar. "Y-you too.." Y/n smiled. "Uhm... M-mom is n-not h-he..?" Jungkook wasn't able to talk about his mother even though he knew why would she come to her Ex. Husbands marriage. 

"No, N-no" she replied looking down. "ohw, I m-mean why would she? I-It's my dads wedding" Jungkook said to himself but loud enough for Y/n to hear it. She raised an eyebrow. "huh?" she said with her mouth a gap. "what, No nothing" Jungkook instantly replied. 

"s-sit" Jungkook motioned and both of them sat down. "y-your mom didn't get married?" He asked not looking at her. "no, she didn't get married of course" Y/n replied not looking at him. She didn't really liked the way he was addressing her mother. 

"She should, I mean you know move on! Just like my dad, can't stay in the past, right?" Jungkook shrugged sharing his thoughts. "hm.." Y/n said controlling herself. " my dad is successful because he didn't lived in the old times and quickly moved on.. He is even getting married now and can finally live happily. If  your mom would also get married it wou-" Jungkook was interrupted by Y/n.

"Jungkook, It's her choice" She said smiling looking his way. he also looked at her with his eye brows raised. "Jungkook? You know I'm your older brother" he said slightly madly. "huh? Older brother? If you can address our mom and your mom and our dad as my dad, I can also address you as Jungkook" Y/n said referring to the way Jungkook was talking.

His eye brows crashed together from confusion and anger. "you are talking back to me?" he asks folding his arms. "no, I'm just telling you.. also who is your new mother.. Is she dad's girlfriend because of whom mom and dad got a divorce or is it someone else?" Y//n said casually. "wha-? what are you even saying?" he said. 

"stop acting all confused Jungkook, you can't play with me" Y/n said looking away from him. Jungkook harshly held her shoulder and forced her to look at him. He glared at her with angry eyes. "what?" Y/n said. 

"how dare you say all that?" He said harshly pressing his hand on her bare shoulder. She hissed in pain and stared back at him with her jaws clenched. "don't touch me" she said with a straight face. 

"I will" He said and pressed even more loudly causing her to let out a small scream. This diverted attention from some guests. Jungkook held her by her shoulders and dragged her somewhere away. 

"Jungkook! Leave!" She said in pain. 

Once they reached an room Jungkook pushed her on a wall and blocked her between his arms. "what the hell?!" She yelled at him and held her shoulder. It was already aching and now he even pushed her on the wall. It hit her shoulder hard. 

"you tell me! What's your problem?! Why do you want to ruin my mood?! are you jealous of me? because now I can live  happy life and you can't?!" He screamed. "no! I'm not but they way you ae talking about my mom, I don't like it and I can't stand it!" she yelled back at him. 

"you are disrespecting me? let me guess.. Craved for love and now jealous of me, huh?" He smirked. Y/n's blood boiled she didn't hesitate before punching him hard on his face. She heard a click when his teeth clashed. It would surely leave a bruise on his jawline. 

Brother | J.JK| one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now