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Requested by: @trastfrated

"girl are you sure?" Yujin, Y/n's best friend asked her. "of course I am! Jungkook never comes to my school functions so I don't care and if I'm performing let me show my real charisma" Y/n said casually. "gosh you've got guts and also if anything happens we are not responsible, ok?" Yujin again said standing in front of Y/n. 

"fine" Y/n sighed out deeply. Tomorrow is a school function for the seniors. Y/n will be performing a sexy dance in the function for the first time. It's going to be memorable. Jungkook was invited but Y/n knew he won't come after all he has his mafia work. It bothered y/n a lot that her only family that's her brother never joins her anywhere but this time she was happy. Because Jungkook is a very overprotective brother she didn't want him to see the dance she prepared for tomorrow. 

Once Y/n reached home she happily skipped inside excited for the next day. "why are you so happy" a deep voice startled her. Turning around she saw Jungkook in his normal business attire. "uhm..just like that oppa" she said looking down. Jungkook replied with a hum. 

"so..... I'll get going!" she said and ran away from there. Reaching her room she closed the door behind and heaved a sigh, "aish" 

The next day was going to be big. Y/n hadn't even informed Jungkook about the function so he had no idea, yet.



"what's this?" Jungkook said to himself and picked up the white envelope lying on Y/n's desk. It was midnight and Y/n was sleeping peacefully, just like any other day Jungkook came to check up on her after a hectic day at work. He was about to leave when he found the envelope, opening it he found out that tomorrow was Y/n's school function. 

It was the invitation card! 

He convinced himself by saying she might have forgotten and after checking on his schedule he found out that tomorrow was a free day for him luckily so he could visit her and surprise. Jungkook himself feels bad for not being able to attend school functions of her. 



The next morning

"are you ready!?" Yujin yelled excitedly. "stop shouting!" Y/n said covering her ears. "oh sorry but are you ready?" again Yujin asked but calmly this time. "yes!" Replied y/n enthusistically.

"Jeon Y/n, you're up next!" a voice boomed in the backstage. "I'm up!" Y/n replied and made her way to the middle of the stage. She was wearing a black crop top and black skinny pants. A plain black choker decorated her neck and a few silver chains lingering down. The cloths fitted her body perfectly. A model she was. 

and just like that the dance started. 

Jungkook was sitting in the front line staring at her dancing. Y/n was so much indulged that she didn't pay attention to him. 

Boys were eyeing each and every move that she did so elegantly. The dance was so sexy, especially because it was done by someone as hot as Y/n. They were not able to remove their eyes from her. Jungkook was shocked seeing his sister dance so well but at the same time mad seeing her do those sexy moves. He didn't liked the way boys were looking at her. 

His blood boiled by every minute that passed and her dance started getting sexier. The moment Y/n was done with her dance she saw Jungkook who was fuming in anger. She shivered and ran back inside scared for her life.

Jungkook saw Y/n running and chuckled darkly. She wasn't looking the right way and ended up bumping into him. "ah!" a little scream left her mouth, looking up she saw him, Jungkook, her older brother whom she feared. 

"little sis" Jungkook said with a fake smile scaring the sh*t out of her. "o-oppa" Y/n stuttered. She shivered under his towering figure. "yes baby? did you enjoy dancing up there" He asked still smiling and holding her arm. "I-" words didn't come up in her mouth. "hm" Jungkook said and dragged her to the washroom. he entered the girls cubical and locked themselves. 

"don't you think you deserve a little punishment?" Jungkook asked as his smiling expression was replaced by a poker face. "I-I'm sorry o-oppa" she cried as her vision became blurry. 

"why? because you lied to oppa and didn't tell me about the function or dancing like that on the stage when boys were staring at you like the last meal?" He said with gritted teeth. "I'm sorr-" 

"enough!" Jungkook slammed his hand on the wall causing her to flinch. Jungkook turned his hand into fists trying to calm himself down. "you know your sorry won't help" He said. "I di-dn't mean to, I-I was told to d-dance like that" Y/n said between her little sobs. "you didn't mean to? you were told? and you said yes? " Jungkook said earning little nods from Y/n. The way Y/n was cramped between Jungkook's arms was very cute, each and every thing she did melted Jungkook's heart. he's never been soft with her, he was only harsh. Thanks to the Mafia job he has. 

"I will n-never do that a-again, sorry" Y/n held her ears and apologized with a pout. She looked up at Jungkook with teary and puppy eyes unknowingly looking extremely cute and adorable. Jungkook's eyes softened. He took a deep breath and sighed before cupping her face with his hand. 

"you know oppa doesn't likes it when boys stare at my baby girl like that" Jungkook said. "you get jealous" she left accompanied by a small giggle. "yeah..but that's because I love you" Jungkook's voice trailed off. "you really love me?" Y/n asked. "yeah, of course I do " Jungkook kissed her forehead. 

"I love you more than anything" He completed. "you love oppa too?" He asked earning a quick nod from Y/n. "a lot!" she said showing it with her hand. "so promise to never do that stupid dance in front of boys, I hate it!" He held his pinky out. "ok!" she connected  her pinky and both of them got out of the cubical. 

As the two were going towards the stage because the show was still left. A boy commented. "hey hottie! wanna go on a date with me?" He winked at y/n. "you-" Jungkook madly made his way towards the boy ready to punch the sh*t out of him but Y/n held him by his hand. "oppa don't!" She yelled. Jungkook looked at her and then the boy. "dare you be seen around my little sister, I'll kill you!" Jungkook warned before going away. 

Both of them reached the stage at the perfect time the winner of the nights performance was being announced. "the winner this year is...." The Emcee took out a card and smiled before announcing the winner. "Jeon Y/n!" the Emcee completed. "congratulations Y/n!" everyone said. 

Y/n looked up at Jungkook and smiled. " I won!" She happily said. "yes you won! now go get the trophy!" Jungkook pushed her lightly. Y/n went on the stage and held the trophy up in the air smiling happily. 



sorry for the shitty chapter. also thank you so much on giving 10k on Fight. I'm so happy and grateful. don't worry there will be a part 2 soon of that book.

I love you guys~

Thanks for reading

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