Shooting stars | 4/4 | 19

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" why ?! so that you guys can look down at me ?! " Y/n yelled at Jungkook who was sitting right in front of her at a foreign cafe where people were staring at them because of the loud noise. 

Jungkook sighed and fixed his cap before replying " No to see if you are strong enough to be there, so I can see if YOU are still stable even after the death of your mom " Jungkook looked at her who was fuming in anger. 

Y/n was peacefully at a cafe but Jungkook joined her so that he can convince y/n some way or the other it was an order by Mr. Jeon and Jungkook had to follow it. He didn't want Y/n to be there. He was scared that maybe his stepmom and sister might cause harm to her because of jealousy. Or she might feel lonely or insecure. 

" Huh? Are you challenging me ?! You know I will not lose in front of scumbags like you, I made the right choice by choosing my mom at least she loved me! Unlike you guys " Y/n said as she slammed her hands on the coffee table and got up moving her body forward towards Jungkook. 

" Jeon Jungkook, I would like to see you at that f*cking event " She spared him a fake smile before getting up and leaving the cafe. 

Y/n was mad at Jungkook . She didn't want to lose in front of Jungkook. She wanted to prove that her decision of staying with mom didn't go to waste. Even though she couldn't stay longer anymore, her love and respect for her mom were more than anything. 

Y/n was ready to go to the event. No matter what. 

Time skip Event day 

" Y/n I've got you a dress hope you like it, please wear it at the event, " Halmeoni said handing y/n a dress. " You got it... For me ?? " Y/n pointed ta herself and halmeoni smiled. 

" Thank you, but how di-" Y/n was about to ask her about the money but her grandma pushed her in the changing room . " now change! go go " She rushed her. 

Y/n sighed and chuckled before entering the changing room. She stripped herself and stared at her body for a minute. The sleek slender figure. At the top of her collar bone was the tattoo of a butterfly. She had got it when she turned 18 on her birthday. The pain was unbearable but for Y/n it was a piece of cake. 

It was the physical pain she felt at the time but the mental pain she had gone through for years was much worse. 


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