I wanted a life with you in it| 15 | 1/3

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Jungkook: 24

"goodbye, Jung-mi" bid Jung-mi's grandma. "bye" Jung-mi replied and exited the house with her bag slung around her right shoulder loosely. She entered the lift to go downstairs where her driver was waiting for her in the black Mercedes Benz. "good Morning miss" the driver greeted. "good morning" was the simple and plain reply by Jung-mi, like always. The driver started driving as Jung-mi stared outside the window. Today was Monday, which means more traffic, Everyone was off to their workplaces, or institutes. On the way they passed a poster with Jungkook's picture on it, he was holding a product for a commercial. He was smiling brightly and posing happily as well. It wasn't new, It's a normal thing, right?

Once they reached the school, Jung-mi got out and started walking toward the building. It was a cold and breezy morning, a strong gust of cold wind blew against her face ruffling her silky long hair. She stuffed her hands in her long beige coat to protect herself from the cold environment.  Once again a heat wave makes her body shiver slightly and it flew all of her hair on her face, using her hands she pushed them backward. The sweaty palms again hide back inside in a safer place: the pocket. unbothered about the weather all the students were outside roaming casually, with their friends, Just like any other normal day. The corridors were crowded with students chatting loudly. 

Jung-mi made her way to her locker and then classroom. It's been 3 months since everything happened. Shifting from one place to another, along with changing schools. No matter how hard Jung-mi tried to make new friends at school, she couldn't. The overall reason of changing places and schools was because of everything Jung-mi faced in the past. From getting bullied to almost getting harassed. Slowly and eventually she is loosing hope in everything, as if there's no solution to anything now. The first few weeks everything was normal, she lived like a normal new students, some students would come and talk to her but now barely anyone even knows her and on top of that there are some girls who are terribly after Jung-mi after she caught the eyes of some boys in the school, on her first day itself. 

The class started soon enough and the day was normal- as in, sitting alone in class, eating alone in a the cafe during breaktime, zero interactions and that's what is normal for her. The day is also like that. She returns home, rests, tuition classes or study sessions... dinner and the end of the day! 

Having no one beside you sucks, feeling lonely is one of the biggest reasons of falling in depression, even after having someone, you don't. You feel distant no matter how hard you try to feel free you feel trapped, inside your own body. eventually you'll just give up on yourself. Isolate yourself because you feel that's what's holding you from dying. One thing that Jung-mi has heard a lot from her parents after she's told them about her current situation is that 'friends are not going to be with you, forever. They'll come and go. You have to be your own friend!'. She keeps that in mind every time she feels suffocated. 

She's broken her heart several times, herself by giving her 'hope' even after knowing that its already over. The loneliness doesn't comes from being alone. what makes her feel lonely is that nobody cares about her anymore. 

All they care about is her mental health.. sometimes she doesn't wants to get out of bed, go to the kitchen and get some food, Instead she just wants to lay down on the bed and bawl for random reasons that show up in her mind, or well sick mind, according to her parents. She's sick in her brain because all she is thinking of is making friends leading to this.. depression. Who knew Social life could be so important. She's tired of convincing herself that she's just perfectly fine, that she's okay with things, she's not okay with. 

What has Jung-mi not done to divert her mind, from trying different arts to reading novels and books till there were no options left. But it just doesn't helps much and now all she can do is lay down on bed and expect to sleep. 

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