Bully?| 14| 1/2

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Authors POV

Their legs moved and body swayed in sync as the 5 girls danced to the K-pop song.

They were the students at the Seoul dance studio : place where every dancer tends to go. It is a very expensive place only millionaires can afford to come and learn here. Even the social media platforms of this studio has more than 20 million followers. It's YouTube channel has 25 to 30 million subscribers.

The girls who were dancing were actually shooting a dance video for the YouTube channel .

Y/n had joined the studio a few months back only and hence she was one of the lead dancers. Her moves were very sharp and perfect. Some students adored here where as some envied her.

Y/n was a very quite and sweet girl because she has lived her life alone. She is a lonely girl. A controlled child. Even though her family is a billionaire she wasn't a spoiled brats like others.

Her brain was very smart. She was very pretty just like each and everyone member of her family. Her mom was a visual queen. Her dad was very handsome that teenagers still used to drool over the man who was over 40 years. The parents didn't looked old at all. No one would believe that they were the parents of 2 children.

They owned a huge business abroad which had caused them to live out of country most of the time leaving their precious one and only daughter at home with her care taker who was hired after a lot if tests. They didn't wanted just any random lady to take care of y/n but finally they succeeded. This was the reason y/n never got parent care or love as much as other kids.

She also has an older brother as well . Whom she resembles the most in the family . Anyone could tell that they are related . Her brother is 9 years older than her . Which is almost a decade and it's no lie when you say that Y/n is scared of him but loves and respects him a lot . 

He works as an Idol in the K-Pop industry . One of the most famous idols . He is Fine As f*ck . But he also runs an underground business . Which Y/n knows about but not more than that because he doesn't wants his sister to get involved in such type of sh*t . he wants to protect her to his will. he just loves her a lot . 

her brother is the most sweetest and cutest person in front of the world 'cause he is an Idol . But the reality is he is very cold and strict . The side which is only seen by his closest ones . In front of Y/n he is a cold and strict brother but loves her even more . 

Y/n's POV 

" and cut ! " The director said . I slid my body down and sat on the floor panting . A girl handed me a towel . As I am the lead dancer I always stand in the front . I wiped off my sweat and headed to the washroom along with the others . After I changed into different cloths 

While dressing up my hands reached the necklace that was hung in my neck

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While dressing up my hands reached the necklace that was hung in my neck . The necklace which is very important to me . It's a necklace that My mom , dad and brother wear. we all wear the same one . It was a beautiful butterfly . My mom and dad wear the butterfly which is much bigger than ours . But me and my brother wear a smaller one and our butterfly has a silver outlining . I never take the necklace out . It makes me feel that my family is beside me . 

I haven't met my parents for about 2 months which isn't much long 'cause I have stayed much more longer away from them . But they still don't miss a chance to call and talk to me . 

Saying of my brother . I am barely able to meet him because he is an idol and runs another underground business which makes him very busy . He can't even take time out for me . It's been about an years since I last saw him and I talked to him about a months ago . He doesn't even picks up my calls nor calls back . 

Sighing I stepped out of the bathroom and my eyes roamed around but something caught my eyes which also widened them . there he was . 

My brother. Jeon Jungkook.

He just looked fine! But for me he is my brother. The best one. A soft gasp left my mouth when I saw him.

I started to walk towards him. The others were dying seeing The J.JK was in their studio. His eyes went to me and he broke into a huge bunny smile.

" y/nie" he threw his arms for me . I ran and hugged him. It felt warm and sweet. "I missed you " I mumbled. He doesn't really shows his affection in personal but in front of public he HAS to.

" I missed you too baby " he smiled and we pulled away. I could see the girls around looking at me in jealousy . " let's go " Jungkook pulled me with him . We both headed outside in the hallway which was empty but not anymore because a girl .. Not just any girl but Kang Nara . My bully was there . 

" Jungkook-ssi , She is your sister , right ? " nara asked Jungkook and he nodded as reply . " No offence but I want to tell you that .. she bullies me . I got hurt and I was on a leave for a week because of her ... Don't do any thing bad to her just tell her not to bully anyone " She said looking sad .

My eyes widened " what ?! I don't bully you , it's YOU! who b-" I was cut off by Nara's words "Truth hurts Y/n " She said innocentely  " You are lyi-" This time I was cut off by Jungkook oppa "I'm sorry for whatever she did . I look after it and make sure that it never happens " he apologized . " Y/n say sorry to her " he spoke to me " NO! I never did any-" ; " y/n." He warned me and squeezed my hand . " No. " I pulled away from Jungkook and ran away .

why is he believing just any random girl instead of his own sister ? I'm raging in anger right now. He is so mean.

I ran and ran until I reached his car. I can't go alone when he is here but it's not like I don't go alone. Everyday. I walk to my house its just a few minutes walk so I won't mind and walking is even good. I started to walk towards my house and away from the  car. But suddenly someone held my wrist so when I looked up there he was. Glaring at me. Like he is ready to kill me.

Why is he always mad and not the sweet person that he is in front of the camera.  Jungkook  pushed me inside the car. I am helpless. I can't fight back with him because he is my older scary brother. So it's better to just stay at my place and not get on higher levels. Jungkook sat on the drivers seat and started driving.

The whole ride was quite. Neither of us spared a glance at each other. I looked outside the window whereas he was focusing on the road.

Soon we reached home and I got out of the car leading my way to the lift. Jungkook Quietly followed me. I just wanted to maintain distance from him as I'm scared of him. Reaching the lift I got inside and Jungkook also stood there. He clicked the button and the lift went up. As the door slid open I went towards the door of our house . 

I rang the door bell but to my surprise no one opened the door instead Jungkook opened the door using the house lock door card . I entered the house and looked around in search for my baby sitter - Halmoni . 

But she was no where to be seen . I sighed and then My eyes went to Jungkook who was looking at me emotionlessly . I started to go or actually run away . But he was quick enough to grab me by my waist and push me to the couch . 

" You bully kids  " He spoke " No ! I don't she is lying ! " I yelled . But only to receive a hard slap from him . My face turned the other side and my eyes started to get teary . 

This might be the very first time I got a slap from him . Maybe because I've never got into any such problem with him or because we don't meet each other as much . 

I didn't dared to look up at him . " Your punishment is to stay in your room alone without any devices " He said and went away to my room . Returning he had my laptop , PC , I Pad and phone. I don't mind staying without them . But another stream of rage ran through my veins right now because he can so easily trust anyone else but not me . 

" You're bad ! " I screamed and got up but Jungkook harshly pulled my hair and glared at me with his dark eyes . " Dare you raise your voice at me ." He spoke darkly making me shiver . I tightly closed my eyes trying to prevent the tears to fall down but it didn't really work as the tears fell down from my eyes . 

Jungkook then harshly pushed me away making me fall on the ground . " go away " He said unbothered . 


Brother | J.JK| one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now