Emotional support (2/2)

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Now that it was my job to hold the family back together . I will do it . I will hold them together like string . So I invited my family and friends along with Liya to my room and they all were now sitting in front of me "So I invited you all so that we could talk about halmoni " I started 

" I know I've been acting like a coward who was running away from my grief, But I realized how wrong it was , I was avoiding the subject of Halmoni but now I'm ready to talk about it " I spoke

" Halmoni was the best person in my life so I was very sad and didn't really wanted to experience her death but I can't just stay away from you guys for any more , The 2 days were so hard for me but now I have you all with me .. Mom , dad and Oppa I feel like Halmoni is always with us , she will always be with us ..... In our hearts . She never left us nor she will . how much she loved us " 

I said , After so many days I saw a smile on the face of my family which made me smile too " remember when Halmoni ate Korean food at a Italian - korean cafe . " i chuckled " yes ,that was the most fun day . It was a beautiful day I remember how we were planning on eating Korean food in the new restraunt but it trurned out to be a place where they made both the food together . And once Halmoni ate the food she slowly got up and shouted " this is the best Korean food I've ever eaten " we were scared she wouldn't like it but then she LOVED it " Everyone laughed at Jungkook's story 

" And the time she went to the arcade with The 2 of you " Mom said " yes ! and she really enjoyed that day but when she saw some boys and girls hanging out she dragged us out too in thinking we were also here for that " I chuckled . 

It was hard for all of us but we are stable now which matters the most . I love my family and want to keep them always together with me . Jungkook told mom and dad about his relationship and I myself gave her the bracelet that halmoni wanted to give Liya . But still Jungkook was a bit off these days in front of me which made me curious and sad . I know he is still crying from inside . 




 1 month later . 

" are you sure ? you can take him with you ? " Jungkook's friend Namjoon asked me " yes Joonie  , You carry your sister and I will carry this drunk boy " I replied " Why did the had to drink so much if this is supposed to be the result " Namjoon sighed before dragging Liya out of the bar "now it's your turn oppa" I sighed and lifted Jungkook's left arm around my shoulder and the other in my hand . " Let's goooooooo" Jungkook shouted and started running out of the bar "yah! Oppa don't go too fast ! " I shouted and he slowed down. " you know how mad and upset and s-sad I am with you " Jungkook cried once we reached near a small river . 

I sat down on one of the stairs as I was tired now. There were a few more people around but mostly couples  . " I know and I'm sorry " I replied in a sad tone looking down " BUT! " he gulped hard " I lob you~" he cooed pinching my cheeks and then hugged me tightly, kissing me all over my face "oppa" I struggled as he kept kissing my face. I mean there wasn't even one place left where he hadn't kissed me. That means my lips as well. Once his lips reached mine I pushed him away and got up cupping his cheeks. " I know you live me oops, but my face is all sticky sticky now... So let's go home for now we will talk tomorrow " I said and held his hand " no, I want to stay with my lol sissy " he pulled me and made me sit on his lap hugging me.

A sigh escaped my lips and I hugged him back "I know you love me oppa but we can't stay here for long, it's cold and I'm tired, please oppa be a good brother and let's go home how " I almost begged him.
"good brother? Kookie can be a good brother if he walks back home " he asked looking at me like a lost kid. I just smiled and nodded in response. The next moment I fell on the floor as he got up quickly and started walking swaying his hips "aishhh oppa" I got up and caught up to him.

The moment we reached home .oppa flopped on the bed and slept. I rubbed my temple and laid beside him tired. Without knowing I had fallen asleep on his bed.

The next morning I woke up and found myself in Jungkooks bed. I got up and rubbed my eyes but Jungkook was gone. I looked around and didn't find him anywhere. I slowly got out of the bed and just then Jungkook came out of his bathroom. With a towel wrapped around his waist. Water was dripping down his hair and he was naked but just the towel that covered his lower body "oh you're awake " he asked scratching his nape . I simply nodded in response. "Soo... Last night... I'm sorry for that " he apologised "it's alright " I shook my head and replied in a raspy voice. "what ever I said last night was true ..." he then spoke . " ohw...thank you " I spoke in a cute raspy voice. He chuckled and ran to me hugging me "I love you sissy " he hugged me "oppa you are all wet" I said and tried pushing him away "it's alrightttt" he cooed and continued to hug me.


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