Prank| 15

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*Jungkook: 23*

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"wuahhhhhhhh!!!!" Jungkook popped out of nowhere and screamed scaring the sh*t out of Jung-mi. "Oppa! you've been doing this all week! stop it!" She said hitting his arm but he just chuckled. "can I not have fun with my little sis?" He asked hugging her tightly from the back. She let out an annoyed sigh and tried to get Jungkook's hand off her body. "get off Jungkook, I'm not feeling well" She said in a low tone. Jungkook's expression changed as he turned her around.

"what happened Mimi?" he asked and cupped her face with his big hands. "I don't feel good," she said looking down at her feet. "tell me exactly what happened?" he asked lifting her face by her chin. She just flashed a grumpy face and leaned onto him crashing her face in his built-up chest. "come I'll carry you to your room" he said and lifted her up in his arms. 

Reaching the room he laid her down and covered her body. he leaned down and pressed his forehead on hers. " you don't have a fever?" He said to himself. As Jung-mi cuddled in the blankets and went to sleep. 

Jungkook sighed and pecked her forehead before going out of the room on hearing his phone ring. 

"hello?" he spoke. 

"Koo~" A high pitched voice said from the other side making him roll his eyes. 

"what do you want Sema?" He said annoyed. 

"I just wanted to check on my Oppa" she said in her cocky voice. 

"yeah. I'm good now hang up, please" He said and declined the phone. 

Jungkook sighed and switched on the TV. He played a movie on Netflix and made himself comfortable on the couch. 



Jung-mi got up from the bed and stretched. She was not feeling unwell. She was ready to prank her brother, a revenge. He's literally been the most annoying person this whole damn week, He just wouldn't stop pranking her or scaring her so she planned on pranking him. Entering the bathroom she turned on the tap as hot water poured down. Jung-mi kept a towel in between as the burning water soaked the towel. 
She picked the towel up some way or the other and pressed it on her face, "ah!" she hissed when the hot cloths came in contact with her face but she had to do it. 

With the towel she wetted her face making it look like sweat. The temperature of her body also turned high because of the cloths. She took a deep breath before exiting the room. Outside she found Jungkook hugging a pillow and sleeping as the TV was playing some sort of movie. She giggled and went towards him. Once she saw his Innocent face her mood changed. 

He's so cute, should I even prank this innocent cute soul? she thought to herself but shook it off.

"I'm also innocent but he pranked me so many times! why am I caring about him!" He whispered to herself and made her way to the kitchen. She held a glass and sighed. "it's show time baby" She whispered to herself and dropped the glass creating a loud noise causing Jungkook to wake up. His eyes fluttered open as he rushed to the kitchen from where the noise had come. 

"Jung-mi?!" He panicked as he saw her standing in the kitchen from the support of the counter. He glanced at the broken glass and then his sister who looked sick. She was sweating and an unwell expression was on her face. "you alright?" he carefully made his way towards her trying to avoid the shards. 

She just shivered and fell in Jungkook's arms. "J-Jung-mi-ah" He said and slowly led her outside the kitchen. The stood in the dinning hall. 

"I'll get you some water." Jungkook said and went to get her a glass of water but Jung-mi suddenly collapsed on the floor. "Jung-mi!!!" Jungkook yelled and bent down to her height. He placed her head on his lap and softly slapped her cheeks. "Jung-mi" he said but earned no response. He was loosing his sh*t right now. 

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