Dangerous Neighbor | 13

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*Jungkook: 25* 

Jung-mi walked in the corridors of the apartment and passed a man, not just any man but her new neighbor. Mr. Yang Gi-Seok. He flashed her a smile that didn't look very genuine or gentle, it rather looked evil. But Jung-mi being a nice kid smiled nicely at him. His aura gave her chills. She didn't like this man a lot, her old neighbor was an old lady who was literally the sweetest person in the world but she was very old. means she died a few months back. after her death, the lady's kids sold this apartment to this man at a high price. Gi-Seok was a famous businessman and held a company in Seoul. He was pretty well known in the business industry. Mr. Jeon and Mrs. Jeon who is one of the most successful and famous business couples even knew this man. Jung-mi lives in this apartment with her grandma and temporary staff.

The house is located in Gangnam-du. It's one of the most expensive apartments in Seoul. Mr. and Mrs. Jeon are already working, they have a huge company in Seoul and America which is why they live in America leaving behind their daughter with her grandma. Jeon Jungkook, a Mafia, it's not known by anyone except for a few people including Jung-mi. she hates the fact that her brother is a mafia even though he doesn't do illegal things and doesn't harm innocent people. this Mafia thing is very dangerous. But Jungkook doesn't mind it at all. Jungkook also bought a flat in the same apartment but its in another tower. 

Also because he is an idol so he lives with his bandmates in a dorm. Jungkook's apartment is fully furnished. Sometimes whenever he feels like he pays a visit to his family so he lives in that house. Jung-mi was very well known in the society. After all she was the daughter of The Jeon's and sister of Jeon Jungkook. 

She punched in the code and entered the house. Only to be met by silence and darkness. She switched n the lights, taking off she shoes and keeping the grocery on the kitchen counter she made her way to her room and switched on the lights of her room as well. The first thing she did was to enter the bathroom, so that she could take a nice shower for the 2nd time today. Jung-mi stripped herself and took a nice warm shower. She slowly got out of the room and got dressed in white full sleeve t-shirt and black shorts. After wearing her socks, Jung-mi crawled on the bed and took her phone.

the moment she held it a smile crept onto her face. There was a missed call from Jungkook. he must have called when she was in the shower. Without wasting another second she dialed Jungkook's phone number and brought the phone near her ears. 

"hello?" Jungkook said. "Oppa!" Jung-mi chimed. "Hey baby, how're you?" Jungkook's voice was filled with love and adoration. "I'm fine how 'bout you" she replied. "oppa's alright too, where were you right now?" He said referring to the missed calls. "oh I had gone to the grocery store a few minutes back, so after returning I was in the shower and that's when you called me" She told him. "oh, I see. Did you talk to Halmeoni?" he asked. "yes and she's reached the temple... now I have to stay alone for the next few weeks" Jung-mi pouted. "yes, I'll try to find some time and come home.. maybe then we can stay together?" he shrugged. "really?! wow, that would be great!" replied Jung-mi enthusiastically. 

"haha yes!" He said. "oh and did the man next door shifted already?" he remembered. "yes yes, its been a few days now, His name is Yang Gi-Seok" She said. "Y-yang Gi-seok?" He asked. "yeah... do you know him?" She said frowning. "no no, I just thought..." He said "ohw. he's kinda weird.." she shivered. The man doesn't pass nice vibes to her. 

"j-just don't go near him... alright? try to avoid him.." His voice trailed off and he sounded worried for some reason. "oppa, are you alright?" Jung-mi asked him. "yes yes, I'm alright love. I-I just have to go... please take care. Love you!" He said. " oh ok! bye oppa, Love you too!" She hung up the phone and was about to open a social media when suddenly the door bell was heard. 

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