unbothered| 12| 2/2

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"The case for the custody of Jeon Jungkook" The judge started and pounded the gavel. " Good morning My lord, as We know we're here for the custody of The Jeon Siblings, The case was filed by my client Ms. Han Hari for the custody of Jeon Jungkook, her oldest child... I would like to call Jungkook-ssi to the witness stand " Yana started the case as it was Mrs. Jeon who had filled the case only for Jungkook's custody. 

Jungkook quietly went and stood at the witness stand. He took the vow of not lying. "so Jungkook-ssi, how's your life going on right now?" Yana asked. 

"it was great until I heard the news about the divorce and then custody" He replied. "hm... so who told you about this and what was your reaction at first?" She again asked. 

"It was Jung-mi who had called me one night while crying... I asked her what happened so she told me that Mom and dad have been fighting for the last few months and it wasn't told to me at first, I was informed about it later when things got worse" he continued "later that day I got very scared and worried... I just wanted to rush home and put everything in place I didn't want to see my parents fighting... I used to call Jung-mi every day to check on her and tried my best to comfort her... after all, she's my little sister" Jungkook spoke and then looked at Jung-mi for a couple of seconds, Whereas Jung-mi was frowning and was mad at the same time. 

He didn't cared for her anymore, he never called her. It was always Jung-mi who called him. He never tried to comfort her. Their talks didn't even lasted 10 minutes because Jungkook had to go. He never thought of putting things back in place. All of it was a lie

a clear lie. 

But why was Jungkook lying??

the thought made Jung-mi go mad. He cannot lie! He took the vow to not lie! Why's he lying in front of so many people. The custody should be fair. Jung-mi glanced at her father who looked tensed and then at her mother who was slightly smirking. 

She clenched her jaw as tears formed in her eyes remembering the moments when Ms. Han (Ex. Mrs. Jeon) used to beat Jung-mi. all those hurtful words she spat on her face without thinking twice. The torture Jung-mi went thru because of her.

She closed her eyes lightly and balled her fists. A few tears escaped as she closed her eyes. They slid down her rosy cheeks and down to her jaw. Jung-mi felt a pair of hands wrap around her waist and wiping her tears. She quickly melted in Joshua's touch and hugged him. Pressing her lips tightly trying her best not to break down already. Jung-mi comforted herself with the help of Joshua who was sitting beside her and would always stay beside her. 

She heard Yana ask a few more question from Jungkook and then called Jung-mi who stood up and looked at Joshua who nodded. The girl went and stood in another witness stand that was in front of Jungkook's and took the vow. 

"ok So Jung-mi would you like to tell me what happened the night when you called Jungkook, crying, and told him about the fights for the first time" Yana asked. 

"yes, That night dad had returned home after a hectic day and it was after I think 6-7 weeks since they had started fighting. The moment dad entered the house mom screamed at him and accused him saying that he was outside with girls and making out. While his family is back at home starving.. because dad was tired he yelled back and said that she was lying and it isn't his work to cook for them. It was mom's. Mom got extremely furious and smashed a plate on his head saying that she wasn't their slave. It definitely made dad mad too because he slapped mom really hard. That night they just fought and fought" Jung-mi explained the situation. 

"ok so where were you, did you not try to sort the fight out? what were you doing  at that time?" Yana asked. " I was not well  that day and was taking rest. But despite that I tried to stop them and of course they didn't listen to me. In the process of stopping them from hurting each other I was hurt" She said looking down at her knees. 

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