Mr. Responsible Guardian|17|1/2

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"Jung-mi, may I have a word with you?" Miss Ah, in charge of the orphanage, spoke. Jung-mi looked over at Miss Ah and sighed, glancing at her friends; she nodded and slipped down the wall she was sitting on. Miss Ah briefly glanced at Jung-mi's friends before she started walking, swaying her hips. The person in charge of the orphanage is supposed to be nice, caring, and sweet, but Miss Ah was the polar opposite of that. She was a replacement for Miss Cho, who used to take care of the orphanage until she fell sick. Miss Ah, however, seemed to be more of a devil, often screaming at innocent children—though not at Jung-mi, who isn't exactly innocent.

Jung-mi imitated the way Miss Ah was walking in a funny manner. She turned back and glanced at her friends who were laughing at her antics. She simply scoffed but quickly straightened her back when Miss Ah turned around, scanning Jung-mi from top to bottom before continuing.

"So, what's up, Miss Ah! Doing good?" Jung-mi spoke up, walking casually as if she owned the place. Along the way, she waved at random kids who scurried away the moment they saw her. Jung-mi wasn't a very sweet and cute girl; she was a badass, full of attitude and sass. Always ready to fight with random people and causing trouble in the orphanage. Everyone saw her as a strong, bad girl, but inside, she was very broken and soft—a part not even discovered by herself yet.

Miss Ah decided to ignore Jung-mi and continued walking. On the way, Jung-mi whistled, trying to kill the boredom during the journey to wherever the old lady was taking her. "At least tell me what I've done this time," Jung-mi again asked, her tone a mix of annoyance and curiosity.

Miss Ah kept walking, seemingly indifferent to Jung-mi's question. The orphanage corridors echoed with the clicking of Miss Ah's heels, creating an eerie atmosphere. Jung-mi, undeterred, matched her steps with the older woman.

"So, Miss Ah, are we going to play the silent treatment game again?" Jung-mi quipped, a sarcastic smile playing on her lips.

Miss Ah finally stopped and turned to face Jung-mi. "You've got a sharp tongue, Jung-mi. It's about time you learn some manners," she retorted with a cold stare.

Jung-mi chuckled, unimpressed. "Manners? In this place? That ship sailed with Miss Cho."

Miss Ah's stern expression remained unchanged. "Your disrespect won't go unnoticed, young lady. We've received complaints."

Jung-mi rolled her eyes. "Complaints? From who? The kids I scared off with a wave?"

Miss Ah sighed, clearly irritated. "Don't play dumb, Jung-mi. Your attitude is causing disruptions."

"Well, I can't help it if people can't handle a bit of personality," Jung-mi shot back defiantly.

Miss Ah crossed her arms. "You're on thin ice. I suggest you watch your behavior or face the consequences."

Jung-mi smirked, undaunted. "Bring it on, Miss Ah. I've faced worse than this."

As they continued their tense exchange, the orphanage corridors seemed to absorb the tension, creating an uneasy backdrop for the clash of wills between Jung-mi and the stern figure of authority.

"Well, I won't have to handle you for much longer. Your brother is coming within an hour to pick you up," Miss Ah sighed, seemingly relieved.

Jung-mi couldn't help but laugh. "Nice joke, Miss Ah!"

"I'm not joking," Miss Ah said sternly. "Jeon Jungkook, your brother, is ready to take custody of you."

Jung-mi's bad-girl attitude seemed to drain away, replaced by a shocked and nervous expression. "H-how's that possible?" she asked, gasping.

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