Sick| 9

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*Jungkook: 19

"Achoo!" Y/n sneezed with her hand in front of her mouth. She closed her eyes for another second and lifted up her head and continued watching the movie with Jungkook in his arms. "haha! I told you Merlin will be the culprit! hahaha! You were ready to cry already! haha!" Jungkook laughed remembering the incident that happened a few minutes back. When Y/n almost started crying after watching a sad scene in the movie. 

"don't!" She whined seeing Jungkook laughing. "Oppa!" She scolded him and hit his arm. "ok! sorry, sorry" He got quiet and pulled her in a hug as she continued refusing until the last moment when she herself fell in his arms. 

He smiled happily and stared at the Huge screen in front of them. Minutes passed and they continued watching the movie. Y/n pulled the blanket closer to her body because she was feeling cold. "It's cold " She tried to laugh away the fact. 

Jungkook raised an eyebrow and spoke. "no, It's not.. The room heaters are on, in fact now I'm feeling hot"

" I'm feeling cold....very cold" She said and curled up in a ball. "Achoo!!" Once again she sneezed and closed her eyes now for minutes. 

Jungkook turned her around and faced her. He noticed how her skin was pale, her cheeks and nose were red. Her once plum and pink lips were now chapped and white. Not wasting much time he touched her forehead that was now burning. "oh no, you have fever Y/n-ah!" He panicked and opened the drawer next to the bed, pulling out a thermometer he placed it on her tongue. 

Once he took it out. It flashed 101 degree. she had high fever. 

"oh my god! I'll be right back" He said and opened the Cupboard. he took out a few blankets before covering her with them "I'll be back!" He rushed to the kitchen and returned with a bowl of hot water and a cotton cloth to put it on her forehead. 

Jungkook was now sweating himself. He dipped the towel in the hot water and drained it with his hand before placing the towel on her forehead. 

he did that over and over again. Not forgetting to feed her and give her the medicines. 

"Just one last sip and it's finished! see!" He pleaded holding the spoon full of soup. Y/n shook her head and pouted. "please baby~" He cooed and finally Y/n gave up taking in the sip. 

"YAY! done!" he said happily and placed the bowl and spoon aside. he took a wipe and wiped her mouth. 

"now c'mon let's sleep" He said sliding under the sheets. 

Y/n looked at him with a weak look. She tried to push him away with her hands. Jungkook turned around and frowned. He looked at her "what?" he asked. She just shook her head. 

"huh?" he again spoke. Y/n sighed frustratingly and finally gathered energy to speak. "don't sleep here" She said in a mere whisper but Jungkook heard her. "why?" 

She just shook her head again feeling very low. "are you not feeling well? what happened baby?" he asked cupping her face in his hand but she yanked it away. 

"you'll catch cold" she managed to say. Jungkook realized and sighed. He smiled and pulled her in a hug. She protested and punched his chest. "no I won't, I have strong immunity. don't worry.." he said. Y/n gave up and spoke. "sure?" She said. 

"yep, 100 percent sure! now let's cuddle!" he laid her down and laid beside her himself. she sighed deeply and hugged him tightly. "my baby, get well, hm?" He kissed her forehead before falling asleep. 



Y/n threw her hand in the air and got u sweating badly. Her throat was aching and itching. She turned around and shook Jungkook's body furiously. The boy woke up quickly and saw her. 

"w-what?! happened?" he panicked. the pain made it difficult for Y/n to even speak so she pointed at her throat with teary eyes. 

"your throat hurts?" he asked. She nodded as tears fell down her eyes. he wiped them away and took his phone. "don't worry, I'll call Jin-hyung" He went through the contact list and hesitated at first but then dialed Jin's phone number 

He was scared in reality. the young boy didn't had any idea what was happening. Why was she in pain at night? Out of panic he called him and knew that Jin wouldn't really mind being called for an emergency moment like this. 

"hello?!" Jungkook said 

"J-jungkook? what happened" he heard Jin's raspy voice. 

"H-hyung are you at home? Y/n's t-throat hurts! please check her up! I'm scared" He pleaded. Jin lived on the 8th floor of the same building in which Jungkook lived so it was easy to reach out to him first. Also Jin was a doctor so it's a plus point.

"I'm at home, don't worry.. I'm coming" Jin said and ended the call. 

Jungkook glanced at Y/n who was crying holding her neck trying to reduce the pain by massaging it. 

"he is coming" He said and hugged her. 

Minutes later the door bell rung. Jungkook got happy and ran to the main door and opened it revealing a sleepy Jin dressed in his Pj's but had a suitcase in his hand which was probably his kit. 

"where's she?" Jin asked and entered the house. "I-inside" Jungkook said and leaded him inside. "Y/n-ah" Jin called down seeing the little girl crying. She extended her hands when she saw Jin. 

She knew he will help her and a ray of hope rose up. 

Jin went and hugged her. 

"shh, now I'm here, let's examine our throat, hm? stop crying now, you are my strong friend" He said and started examining her throat.

Jungkook stood there biting his nails in nervousness scared that something serious might come out. 

Minutes of examining Jin finally looked at Jungkook. 

Don't worry kids, It's just a normal throat infection" He finally said with a smile. Jungkook sighed in realife. he hugged his hyung and thanked him. 

"here, take these medicines and it will get better " Jin handed him a few tablets that he always carries with him. 

Jungkook feeded Y/n the medicine as she fell asleep. Jungkook sat on the bed next to her and caressed her hair.

" I was really worried hyung" Jungkook said. Jin smiled and spoke. "you're such an amazing brother Jungkook" 

"Thank you hyung, it's just that I don't like to see her in pain at all. It hurts me as well" He said truthfully. 

"she's lucky to have you as her brother" Jin said and patted Jungkook's shoulder.

"you think so?" Jungkook asked earning a brief nod from Jin. 




a week later.

"oppa! stop annoying! It's so sad... look she is crying as well! you are so rude~" Y/n cried and started hitting Jungkook's arm.

"you again cried, huh? hahaha" Jungkook laughed out loud. 

"don't!" She again scolded him but the boy didn't listened to her and continued laughing



Sorry for not updating actually I've been a bit busy these days, sorry!

I literally forgot how to right and made about 3-4 drafts but wasn't satisfied with either of them and neither I am satisfied with this chapter.

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