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"Do I look fine?" Jung-mi asked as she emerged from the washroom. So-hee, her best friend, leaped from the bed and strolled over to her.

"Oh my god! You look so pretty! Gosh, Max is so lucky!" So-hee exclaimed, embracing Jung-mi, who shyly chuckled in response. "Ohhhh, someone's blushing," So-hee teased, pinching Jung-mi's cheeks. The thought of going to a party with her boyfriend, Max, made Jung-mi blush even more.

It was their first time partying together, and she couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Max, a classmate she had liked since the beginning of the semester, had confessed his feelings for her three months ago. Since then, they had been happily dating, and tonight marked a special milestone in their relationship.

Initially, Jung-mi was skeptical about the idea of dating someone, observing how her friends' relationships often ended in heartbreak. She believed that teenage relationships were mainly for gaining experience, but if mishandled, they could result in significant emotional pain. Being a soft-hearted person, Jung-mi was cautious, aware that she might struggle with the aftermath of a breakup.

However, everything changed when she got to know Max. Realizing what a genuinely good person he was, Jung-mi felt a newfound excitement about dating. Despite her initial reservations, she discovered a deep sense of happiness and pride in having Max as her boyfriend.

Today marked another first for Jung-mi as she decided to attend a party hosted by one of her seniors. With no one at home – Grandma in Busan, parents in Thailand, and Jungkook at the studio – she had the house to herself. So-hee, her ever-supportive best friend, came over to help Jung-mi choose the perfect outfit for the occasion. It was the first time she would be stepping into the party scene, and she couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and anticipation for the night ahead.

She opted for a stylish black dress that reached mid-thigh, pairing it with chic black boots. Jung-mi decided to keep her makeup minimal, preferring not to cake her face with layers. Her long, slightly messy hair was left open, adding a touch of casual elegance to her look.

"Hyun-jin will be here in 5 minutes. Let's go!" So-hee cheered, dragging Jung-mi with her. Jung-mi quickly grabbed her clutch bag and placed her phone inside before locking the door behind them. They strolled outside, waiting for Hyun-jin to pull up with Daehyun and his girlfriend, Lizzie.

As Hyun-jin parked the car, he couldn't help but gape at Jung-mi's transformed appearance. "Jeon Jung-mi?!" he exclaimed. Jung-mi simply rolled her eyes and took a seat in the back with Lizzie and So-hee. Hyun-jin, with a playful wink, remarked, "You both look really pretty." The compliment brought a smile to their faces as they embarked on their way to the party.

Suddenly, something caught Hyun-jin's attention. He stopped in his tracks and observed a couple passionately making out. For a moment, he thought it could be Max, but he quickly dismissed the idea, confident that Max wouldn't engage in such behavior. However, his suspicion turned into shock and confirmation when the couple pulled away, and he recognized Max, exchanging smiles with the other girl before leaning in for another kiss. Hyun-jin's eyes widened at the unexpected scene.

"Hey, what're you looking a—" So-hee began but halted upon witnessing the unfolding situation. "Oh my," they both gasped simultaneously. Jung-mi, unaware of what was happening, approached her friends.

"What are you guys doing!?" Jung-mi yelled over the music. Concerned, she walked over to her friends.

"J-Jung-mi, he's not here. L-let's look over there," So-hee stammered, attempting to divert Jung-mi's attention away from the painful sight of her boyfriend cheating on her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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