Shooting stars | 19|1/4

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Y/n : 6 

Jungkook : 12

" Y/nie do you know what a shooting star is ? " Jungkook asked his little sister who was sitting and playing with her toys . " no " She innocently replied . he chuckled and went towards her making her sit on his lap . " Shooting stars are dust or particles that hit the land from the space ! They look beautiful in the sky " He told her " really ? " She asked him and Jungkook nodded "I want to see them ... " She pouted . 

" You know today it's predicted that some shooting stars will fall on the earth , so you can see them in the sky and also a very good news for you is that if you ask anything from them it will come true " he told her the myth of kids . 

A soft gasp left y/n's mouth  . " wow ! I want to see them today ! " She excitedly said . " sure , but first let's ask mom and dad if we can wake up the whole night " Jungkook spoke and the sibling left to go downstairs . 

" Mommy ! daddy ! today stars will shoot can we see them ? " Y/n asked them happily . But the atmosphere in the room was already kind of tense . The moment the couple saw the kids they quickly brought a smile on their faces  and chuckled at her words . " come here baby ... " Her father called her as she sat on the lap. "it's shooting stars and ... You can watch them with Kookie but don't stay out in the cold for too long , ok ? " He told them . 

" yes appa ! don't worry I will take care of y/nie  and myself , thank you ! " Jungkook said happily . "thank you eomma ,appa ! " Y/n kissed them on the cheeks of her parents . 

Of course it made the parents

Jungkook came forward and picked Y/n up in his arms before going out of the room . The siblings reached their room as Jungkook put y/n down . " now wait here " he said and walked towards the closet . He came out with winter cloths for Y/n and himself . 

" here , wear this " with that Jungkook took out Y/n's cloths that now she stood naked in front of him . " Oppa I'm gwtting ! fat ! " She said pointing towards her tummy . " hehe , Y/nie you are so cute  .. and no you are not getting fat " Jungkook chuckled and ruffled her hair then he dressed her up and himself .

" done , now let's go , come one baby " Jungkook  held her hand and took her outside on the rooftop to watch the shooting stars . " I'm Excited ! " Y/n chimed  . " samee ! " Jungkook joined . 

Then two settled themselves and sat down waiting for the stars to fall . " It's bwutiful " Y/n said looking up at the sky . Jungkook shifted his gaze to his sister and saw how her eyes were sparling because of the Stars . He smiled slightly and spoke " yes , just like you " 

" NO ! kOoKiE iS pwtty ! " she said looking at him as she stood up . Jungkook chuckled and pulled her to his chest . " we both are " he said as his hands were wrapped around the petite body of his sister who was laying on his chest playing with his fingers ." Koo , Your hands are so big , Mine are smoll " she pouted . 

" It's alright , when you will grow big , your hands will also be big " He told her . " like yours ? " she asked and Jungkook nodded " when will I grow up ? Mamma says I'm growing already " she said . " uhm.. You have to grow up a bit more , ok ? " he said and she nodded smiling brightly with her bunny teeth . 

They stayed in that position for hours talking about random things and waiting for the shooting stars but there wasn't any sign of stars . Slowly and slowly Y/n's eyes were starting to close but she tried to keep them open because she wanted to see the stars and make a wish . Even Jungkook wanted to make a wish and spend time with Y/n . But that night none Shooting star fell and Y/n fell asleep in Jungkook's embrace . 

Jungkook looked at Y/n and sadly smiled . He picked her up and carried her to the bed and laid her down . He pecked her forehead and slept with her . 


12 years later 

* now y/n is 19 and Jungkook is 24 * 

her hand clasped together and she closed her eyes while making the wish . Once she opened the eyes the shooting star passed away . A small smile appeared on her face as she continued walking to her house . 

" I'm home ! " Y/n yelled as she entered the house . Receiving no response she got curious and went inside to see the care taker talking to someone on phone . " Halmeoni ? " She said , grandma looked back and motioned her to keep quite . Y/n quickly shut her mouth . 

" hm, ok .... I will tell her thank you . " With that the her grandma kept the telephone down and turned to Y/n happily . " Y/n-ah , Congratulations ! You have an interview tomorrow at the Jeon Empire ! " Her grandma spoke and hugged y/n who was already in utter shock . " b-but halmeoni ... I can't go there you know dad- I mean Mr. Jeon must be there in the company .. " She said looking down . 

" Yes and maybe your brother too .. " Halmeoni said as Y/n looked up to her . " can he ? " she said. " yes baby , at least you can try " Grandma tried to motivate Y/n and she nodded . " Ok , maybe ... I will go " Y/n said . 

" yes ! Wear something good and your hair wash it tomorrow also don't forget to wear some makeup . I will cook your favrouite break fast tomorrow . " Her grandma trailed off . " chill halmeoni .. I'm not going to see a boy but I am going to give a job interview .." Y/n chuckled at her . 

" hehe sorry " 

The last 12 years were very hard for y/n and her family . Her parents divorced each other when she was 6 years old . Which caused them to separate . Mr. Jeon took the custody of Jungkook as Mrs. Jeon took Y/n's custody . They both were taken away from each other and then things got even worse . Mrs. Jeon fell sick and died when Y/n was just 10 . at the funeral Neither Mr. Jeon nor Jungkook were there . Which made Y/n feel sick . It broke her totally . Since then she started to hate Mr. jeon but not her brother 'cause she knew that her father had control over Jungkook . 

Y/n struggled a lot all these years . NONE helped her except for her grandma . She met Y/n on the streets one day when Y/n was crying after getting harassed by some boys . 

Flashback .

Y/n cried and cried as much she could trying to ask for help . She was returning from the school when some boys much more older than her dragged her to a alley . There the boys harassed and almost tried to rape her but Y/n didn't budge and bit the fingers of one of the boys . After that she ran and ran in her torn cloths only until there was no sign of the boys . It was a street where she fell down on her knees and that's when it started raining . 

Rain, a gloomy yet beautiful whether . It was the perfect mood for a broken heart just like Y/n's . It is a blessing or cruse no one ever understood . It brought back memories of  her and Jungkook which brought a smile yet a tear of pain . 

She was shivering and crying until she felt someone touch her which caused her to flinch hard . Looking up she saw a old lady . " what are you doing here little kid ? " The old woman asked the girl . The lady was wearing a raincoat and held a umbrella . 

Y/n just stayed quite and didn't reply as she was scared . 

" where are your parents ? are you lost ? " the lady had bunch of questions in her mind and was curious about this little girl . " Mom died " Y/n managed to say which widened the lady's eyes . 

" y-your dad ? Or maybe a sister or brother ? " She asked and again Y/n cried . "  They left me and some boys hurt me " Those words escaped Y/n's mouth automatically . Even though she was scared but she wanted help . Some one who could help her . 

" Oh , my " The lady gasped and managed to hug Y/n . " please take me with you " Y/n said in her embrace . " I will don't cry , I will take care of you " Those words just came out of the lady's  mouth . 

She felt sympathy . Like she could shower her with love . This poor girl who was barely in her teenage was harassed . She didn't had anyone to live with . It made her feel so bad . She was still curious about the girl but didn't wanted to hurt her more by asking about her past .But she was ready to take Y/n with her .

Under the cries of heaven Y/n found someone she could rely on again blindly and Of course someone to love .  


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