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Jungkook stood in the dimly lit living room, the echoes of Jung-mi's cries still resonating in his ears. He hesitated for a moment before deciding to follow her. The familiar creak of the bedroom door signaled his entrance into a space that usually bore witness to their disagreements.

Jung-mi was huddled on her bed, a storm of emotions etched across her face. The room felt heavy with tension, and Jungkook could sense the walls closing in. He took a tentative step forward, unsure of how to breach the emotional barrier that had always existed between them.

"Jung-mi," he began, his voice softer this time, "I know we're not... we're not the closest, but I want to be here for you." He awkwardly shuffled his feet, searching for the right words. "I don't like seeing you like this."

Jung-mi's tear-stained eyes met his, a mix of surprise and vulnerability in her gaze. For a moment, the usual animosity seemed to dissipate, replaced by an unspoken understanding of their shared humanity.

Still, Jungkook felt the weight of his own inadequacy. He wished he had the ability to erase the pain etched on her face, to mend the fractures in their relationship. The silence lingered, thick and palpable, until Jung-mi finally spoke, her voice strained but softer than before.

"You don't have to pretend, Jungkook. This doesn't change anything between us," she sobbed, a hint of resignation in her tone.

He nodded, acknowledging the truth in her words. The journey of rebuilding bridges between them was not going to be an easy one. But in that moment, Jungkook found himself genuinely wanting to bridge the gap, to be a source of strength for Jung-mi in her vulnerability.

As Jungkook lingered in the doorway, he realized that comforting someone wasn't always about having the right words or a perfect relationship. Sometimes, it was about offering a genuine presence, a willingness to be there in the silence, and a shared acknowledgment of the complexities of human emotion. The road ahead may be rocky, but Jungkook decided to take a step into the unknown, hoping that, perhaps, this shared vulnerability could be the beginning of something different between them.

Jung-mi's gaze held a mixture of surprise and skepticism, as if she couldn't quite believe Jungkook's sincerity. The room remained charged with an unspoken tension, a reflection of the history that had shaped their interactions. Jungkook took another step forward, determined to break through the barriers that had long separated them.

"I'm not pretending," he said, his voice steady. "I may not understand everything, and I know we've had our differences, but I genuinely want to be here for you, Jung-mi."

She studied him for a moment, as if assessing the authenticity of his words. Slowly, she shifted on the bed, making room for him to sit. Jungkook hesitated before taking a seat beside her. The distance between them felt both physical and emotional, and he wondered if this attempt at connection was futile.

Jung-mi let out a heavy sigh, her guard softening just a fraction. "Why now, Jungkook? We've never been like this before."

He ran a hand through his hair, grappling with the complexity of his own feelings. "I guess... sometimes, life has a way of reminding us of what truly matters. And right now, what matters is that you're hurting, and I want to be someone you can lean on."

The air seemed to shift as Jung-mi absorbed his words. She looked away, staring into the distance as if contemplating the possibility of vulnerability. Jungkook respected her silence, allowing the room for whatever emotions needed to surface.

The minutes passed, and the weight of the shared moment hung in the air. Finally, Jung-mi spoke, her voice softer, more accepting. "Okay, Jungkook. Maybe... maybe we can figure this out together."

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