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~ wilburs pov ~

I was lying in my bed scrolling through different apps on my phone until I heard a faint knock at the door, it wasn't very loud but loud enough for me to hear it. I get out of bed and open the door to see Tommy standing there with his cow plushy.

"You alright Tommy?" I look down to him.

"I can't sleep, I was wondering if I could sit in here with you" He quietly asked.

"Yeah of course, come in" I open the door wider and let him come inside.

I close the door behind me and sit back down on my bed, he stands there looking around my room examining everything there but his eyes stopped when he spotted my guitar.

"Woah, do you play guitar" He looked at it in awe.

"Yeah and I make music as well" I smile.

"Really? Could you play one of your songs?"

"Yeah of course, pass it here and come sit on the bed"

He grabbed the guitar and passed it to me, I grabbed a guitar pick of the side and began to play 'I'm Sorry Boris', I could tell he was tired so I chose a less upbeat song.

"I figured out what can move me, it's trains and hugs, planes and sushi"

He sat next to me smiling as I sung, he is slowly coming out of his shell even though it's the first day. It made me feel happy that he was beginning to trust me.

"And I'm sorry, but Boris, I'm leaving" I continued to sing "And I'm not good for anyone here"

He rested his head on my shoulder as I played the guitar.

"We reached the end of a decade, Greenwich morphs to an arcade"

He yawned as his eyes begin to close, I continued to sing the song until he was completely asleep. I put my guitar to side and push his head off my shoulder gently before standing up and picking him up putting my left arm under his legs and my right arm under his head for support.

I place him on the right side of my bed tucking him under the covers and placing his plushy right next to him which he quickly cuddled up to. I wasn't really that tired yet so I just sat at my desk and logged onto my computer, I loaded up minecraft and loaded into my survival world.

I played for about an hour until I was forcing my eyes to stay open, I log out of my computer and spin in my chair to see a still sleeping boy spread out across my bed. I stand up and head towards my bed, I carefully slide under the covers moving the boy over more to his side.

When I get into bed I lie there for a while, I've had trouble sleeping recently. I'm not sure why, maybe because of stress with school and of course having a new family member, I didn't want to worry Dad though so I usually just stay quiet and it will eventually blow over.

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