- O N E H U N D R E D & F O R T Y T W O -

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~ tommys pov ~

i had no belongings with me and puffy was gone, she stayed until visiting hours were over and promised she would be back the next day but i didn't want to wait that long.

i was afraid to be alone for this long, i sat there the whole night staring at the door in case someone came in. they didn't, the only people who went past were nurses and doctors but every time i heard footsteps come anywhere near my room i would tense up just incase someone was here for me.

as soon as they walk away i would calm myself down and eventually it was morning without me even realising, a nurse came into my room with some breakfast. i wasn't even hungry but i knew i would've had to eat it, he came in with some toast which was placed onto my moving desk at the side as well as some orange juice.

i pretended to take a bite and as soon as he left, i swallowed it quickly and placed the toast back on the plate. the orange juice was nice at least.

i spent the rest of the day in bed of course, watching tv while the odd doctor or nurse came into check on me until puffy arrived at around one o clock. she had a warming smile on her face as she walked in that quickly changed as she saw my face, it was quite obvious i was tired. i could feel my eyes, they were so heavy yet i didn't close them.

"have you slept tommy?" she asks.

i stay silent and shake my head avoiding eye contact like i usually do with puffy, i never knew why i did that with her put i always have i guess.

"why haven't you slept?" i shrug "if you want to sleep, i'll stay here until you wake up and if you're not awake by the time visiting hours are over i'll let a nurse know because i'm not waking you up"

"fine" i sigh "are you sure you'll stay the whole time?"

"yes i'm sure, i won't even leave to go to the bathroom"

"okay" i reply as i get comfy under the covers "when am i leaving here?"

"they're discharging you in a few days"

"where will i go?"

"probably an emergency foster house for a week or so until they find a care home for you to stay in"


"get some sleep, i'll be right here"


"night" she chuckled.

i felt safe with puffy next to me as i slept, she'd been my social worker for a while now and although she knew everything about my life and i knew nothing about her life we still got along well even though she's paid for it she still cares which is very unusual in the system.

i close my eyes and in a matter of seconds i was fast asleep, just before i drifted off i heard the sound of the tv being played quietly in the background just how i liked it. i felt her eyes on me, she was protecting me and i felt safe. out of all the people in my life she was the only one i trusted the most.


how are you all doing? :D

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