- O N E H U N D R E D & F I F T Y T H R E E -

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cw/tw - throwing up

~ technos pov ~

i was walking out my room after wilbur left and looked over to tommy room, i wanted to go hang out in his room like i used to so i could annoy him but i also didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

i knocked on the door quietly and heard a quick 'come in' from the boy inside, i open the door and walk in quietly while smiling at him. he did not seem happy, he was holding his stomach and laying in a fetal position.

"you alright buddy?"

"i feel sick" he mutters.

"do you want me to go get you a bowl?"

"no" he shakes his head repetitively "i can't be sick"

"why not? it'll make you feel better"

"because then i'll ruin it"

"ruin what tommy? what's gonna be ruined if you throw up?"

"i don't want to be skinny" he practically whispers.

"what? tommy there's nothing wrong with being skinny, you're not even underweight, you're perfectly but if you want to gain weight there's healthier ways to do it" i tell him "how much did you eat?"

"under bed"

i furrow my eyebrows and kneel down to under his bed where i see a shit ton of wrappers sitting underneath it, i sit up and look at him now that we are at the same eye level "have you eaten all of this in one go?"

he nods shyly and closes his eyes, i decided to go get a bowl because i knew that all this food was going to come up sooner or later so it's better to be prepared.

i place the bowl next to his bed and grab his side carefully, making sure not to hurt him even more "come on buddy sit up, i know it hurts but you'll feel better soon"

as soon as he sat up i knew he would be throwing up so i grabbed the bowl off the floor and placed it in front of him on his lap, soon enough he was throwing up all his food.

all different colours came out of his mouth and this was not pleasant, as he took a deep breath he began to cry out of pain. i panicked and decided to go get dad, i practically ran over to his office where he was working at his desk.

"dad come quick, tommy's been sick" i alert him.

he basically jumped out of his chair and rushed over to tommy's bedroom where the boy was sitting, hunched over holding his stomach while crying. dad rushed over to his side wrapping his arm around his body.

"what happened?" dad asks.

"i just don't feel well" tommy managed to say in between sniffles "it hurts phil"

"i know mate, just lie back down alright?" tommy nodded and got back into bed "i'm going to clean this bowl out, shout if you need anything, come on techno let him get some sleep"

"alright" i nod and follow him out of the room and into the bathroom.

"so" dad begins "you wanna tell me what's going on with tommy?"

"he thinks he's 'too skinny' so he ate loads of food to gain weight and it made him throw up, i told him that he's fine the way he is but if he wanted to gain weight there's healthier ways to do it then eating a shit ton of food at once"

"well done techno, i'm proud of you" he smiles "i could also tell something was up when i saw rainbows in the bowl"

"yeah that's a small hint" i chuckle.


IT NOW!!!!


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