- O N E H U N D R E D & S I X T Y T W O -

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cw/tw - abuse

~ third person pov ~

tommy sat uncomfortably on the couch as detective brown introduced herself to him.

"so tommy, i'm detective brown and i'm going to be asking some questions to help with our investigation" she explained "if you're uncomfortable at any time we can stop and take a break okay?"

tommy just nodded in response "okay so first i'd just like to ask you what it was like when you first got there, were you welcomed in?"

"they were fine the whole time, i don't even know why this is happening, it was my fault" he replied.

"it maybe hard to think about tommy and you may think it's your fault but it's not, you didn't do anything wrong"

"i was bad though, it was my fault"

"what did you do that was bad tommy?" she asked wanting to know the reason tommy thinks it's his fault.

"i got in trouble at school"

"so did the school ring them?"

"yeah and then i got sent home for some reason" he responded "when i got home she sent me up to my room and not long later she came up and hit me but i deserved it, is she gonna be in trouble?"

"tommy you didn't deserve it so don't blame yourself, it was her fault and yes she'll be in trouble but you'll be safe and that's all that matters"

"but i want to go back, i was bad and lisa was just punishing me for it like any good parent would do!"

"she wasn't a good parent to you tommy, did steve also hurt you?"

"no steve didn't hurt me and neither did lisa, she just punished me"

"alright then, did steve 'punish' you?"

"no" tommy shook his head "only lisa punished me, sometimes it hurt a little but it was fine"

"how often did she hit you tommy"

"whenever she got the chance"

it was clear that tommys head was in a different place the whole time, sometimes he would say he was fine and she never hurt him then other times he would say that she'd always hit him, it was clear to the detective which one was the truth and which one wasn't though.

tommy didn't like to think about things like this because deep down he knew that what lisa did was bad and it was slowly coming up and up to the surface and that's when it would get even worse than it is now.

"how was steve with you tommy?"

"h-he was fine" he stammered "he took me to play football at the park and he played it with me in the garden with nathan"

"that brings me to my next question, do you know what she was like with the other two?"

"i never saw or heard anything but they didn't with me either so i don't know, they were fine around her but so was i i guess" he shrugged.

"i know it's hard to think about tommy but what exactly did she do when she hurt you?"

he thought back to the day it first happened "she slapped me the first time and then kicked me in the stomach, most of the time she would punch or kick me in the stomach" he recalled "the last time it happened was the bad time, she threw me against the wall and it really hurt my back and head"

"was that the same day you were rushed to hospital?"

"no it was the night before, i didn't sleep that night, it hurt too much to even do anything"

"how've you been sleeping recently?"

"um i slept for a few hours last night" he explained "techno, phil's son let me stay in his room and i was fine"

"is it being alone that's the problem?"

he nodded his head shyly "at the hospital i couldn't sleep without puffy there and when i did go to sleep i would wake up whenever i heard footsteps"

"have you got any medication like sleeping pills?"

"no and i don't want them"

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