- F I F T Y S I X -

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~ Philza's pov ~

I knew something was up the minute he stepped into that doorway and I had to figure out what it was as soon as possible so of course, I offered him a seat next to me which he couldn't deny. As soon as he sat down I got a huge whiff of cigarettes, reminded me just of Wilbur which made me disappointed.

"You been smoking Tommy?" I asked, not angrily but disappointed.

"What do you think?" He replied with his eyes still fixated on the tv screen.

"It's quite obvious what I think" I sigh "Were you with Tubbo then?"

"Again, what do you think? Do you think Tubbo would do that?"

"No I don't, if you weren't with Tubbo who were you with?"

"With my friend, she just moved here"

"Right, well does this friend have a name and some parents?"

"Yeah she does have a name which I'm not giving you because you'll just be a snitch" He began to raise his voice.

"I'm not being a snitch Tommy, I'm looking out for you because you're thirteen years old and smoking cigarettes for gods sake!"

"Well do you think I care? The last time I checked you weren't my dad and you never will be so just get off my back!"

Him saying that kind of hurt me as I already saw him as some sort of son and I was hoping he would see me as a father figure, not now but some time in the future. I know it was just the anger but it still made me think about it slightly.

By now Wil had heard the argument going on down here and had come downstairs, Techno probably would've come down but he was at football training so he wasn't home at that moment.

"What's going on here?" Wilbur asks.

"Phil is being a prick for no reason!" Tommy shouts.

"Tommy keep your voice down, I'm not being a 'prick' and its not for no reason" I add.

"Well can you two keep it down? I'm trying to revise and you aren't helping"

"Right, sorry Wilbur" I turn to Tommy "And you go upstairs please, I need to go pick Techno up and I don't need you causing any trouble"

"Fine" He groans while turning around to the stairs following after Wilbur.

As I hear his bedroom door being slammed I put on my shoes, grabbed the car keys off the side before leaving the house and walking up the pathway to the car. I got in the car and started it up before driving out of the street, I just prayed that Tommy didn't leave the house or something like that while I was out.

When I arrived at the football field Techno was stood on his phone waiting for me, as I pulled up next to him he put his phone into his coat pocket and got inside sitting in the passenger seat.

"What's up with you?" He asks as I start the engine.

"How did you know?" I respond.

"Because you are sitting all weird and awkwardly and you haven't got the radio on which you usually do when you pick me up"

"Well you got me"

"What's wrong then?"

"Tommy's been smoking" I continue to drive.


I nod in response "He's made a new friend at school and he's lied to me saying he's going out with Tubbo and gone out smoking"

"What are you gonna do then?"

"What like punishment?" I turn to him and he nods "Not sure yet, I feel like taking away his things like the other day will just make it worse"

"Yeah it will, he'll just trust you less"

"Alright I'll speak to Puffy then, he's getting worse than you y'know" I chuckle.

"Yeah right" He rolls his eyes playfully.

tysm for 30k views on this story! idk wtf is going on and why this is happening but i really appreciate it so once again, thank you it wouldn't be possible without you guys :)

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