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~ technos pov ~

i was finally being discharged from the hospital after one night too long, i had been prescribed some new medication and i hated everything. i was looked at as a burden especially by dad and that was the last thing i wanted, i don't want to be relying on people and doing everything for me.

"techno you ready?" dad asks.

"yeah" i nod.

i couldn't wait to get home, i was dying for a shower. hospital ones are awful and not really my thing to be honest so the thought of being in my own home and showering just made me even more happier to be leaving.

"do you need this?" dad chuckles pointing over to the wheelchair.

"no i think i'll be good" i reply in my usual monotone voice "where is tommy and wilbur anyway?"

"they're waiting in the car for you"

"oh alright"

i stand up with the help of dad, my legs were sore but i'm not sure why. probably because i had been lying in bed for the past twenty four hours without getting up once but i didn't really care, i was sort of happy to be in hospital and finally get help for my mental health.

i always wanted to reach out and get help but didn't know how, i'm not good at opening up to anyone. i've had therapists before and i hated them but i've decided i'm actually going to give it a go this time not just for me, but for my family. i didn't want them worrying about me constantly.

we made our way to the car after dad had grabbed my prescription from the desk, wilbur and tommy were sitting in the back meaning i had the front seat which wasn't unusual. i usually had it anyway but when we were younger me and wilbur used to argue about who got to sit in the front, in the end dad decided to sort it out himself and make us both sit in the back. it worked for a while i guess until we got older and stopped arguing about that stuff.

"are you excited to go home techno?" tommy asks.

"yeah, can't wait to get in the shower" i reply.

"i remember when i was in hospital and i had to stay for a week! the food was awful but then puffy brought me a mcdonald's so it was fine i guess"

"why were you in hospital for so long"

"i dunno" i watch as he shrugs through the mirror "i don't remember much about it, apparently i went crazy or something"

me and dad look at each other with a 'what the fuck?' face, he went crazy? we knew nothing about his past except for what was on the papers and dad wouldn't even show us that so god knows what he's been through. i was hoping maybe he would open up but he didn't have long until he was moving out, im pretty sure it was less than a week.

"oh right" i respond to him not really knowing what to say.


"hm?" dad hums while keeping his eyes on the road.

"can we get a mcdonald's?"

"yeah sure, what do you guys want?"

after we had told him what we wanted we headed to the nearest mcdonald's which wasn't that far, i got a big mac and a large fries. i wouldn't usually get that but i was so hungry after eating that awful food in the hospital.

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