- E I G H T Y N I N E -

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~ phils pov ~

i sit back down on the couch next to schlatt while opening up the dominoes app.

"i've decided we are getting a dominoes so ring tubbo to come over and tell us what he wants as well"

"are you sure? how much will it be, i can transfer our half"

"don't be stupid schlatt, you can pay for my meal next time"

"alright" he sighed, admitting defeat.

he pulled out his phone and dialled tubbo, while he did that i went and ordered the food that everyone else had wanted. by now tubbo was at the door and schlatt answered. when tubbo came in he told me how he wanted a hawaiian pizza so i added that and waited for it to arrive after paying.

"wheres tommy?" he asked me.

"he's in his room but he's asleep and i don't recommend waking him" i reply.

"oh i know, i tried to wake him up this morning and he punched me" he chuckled.

"are you alright?"

"yeah i'm fine, i did try to wake him up after he had been asleep like five hours so i don't blame him"

"okay as long as you're alright, what time did you get to sleep?"

"um around one i think but tommy went to sleep a lot later"

"i know, i think he'll be awake once he smells good and that should be here soon"

~ T I M E • S K I P ~

i hear a knock at the door and go to answer it, i open it and see a man in a blue dominoes t-shirt pulling our pizzas out of the bag he had it in, there was quite a lot that was stacked on top of each other. i quickly thanked him before closing the door and making my way to the kitchen where schlatt and tubbo followed behind.

"can one of you go get them up?"

"i will!" tubbo offered

he ran up the stairs quickly and not long later i could hear him banging on tommys bedroom door practically yelling for him to wake up.

"i haven't had pizza in ages" schlatt chuckled.

"me either" i smiled while unboxing the pizzas and grabbing a slice.

as i take a bite out of my pizza i hear the sound of many footsteps coming downstairs, first it was tommy with his headphones on and with the others following behind.

they all looked very tired, especially tommy and techno. both of their hair was everywhere and their eyes were barely open but they were still eager to eat, i grabbed everyone a plate and all of us took the pizza we wanted before sitting in the dining room.

"did you ring puffy yet?" tommy asks me as he swallows his food.

"yeah" i nod "i'll talk to you about it later"

i noticed that techno and wilbur give each other a look of confusion, i wasn't going to tell them right now because schlatt tubbo and sally were here and it would probably end in an argument again.

"talk to him about what?" wilbur asks.

before i could speak tommy interrupts "trying to speed up me moving"

"what?" techno frowns clearly frustrated "why do you want to go quicker?"

"i dunno" he shrugs "just annoying waiting all this time to move in, why?"

techno was about to talk before i quickly interrupted him "why don't we talk about this later boys?"

"alright, i'm going upstairs though" he replied.

as he left the room with his plate of pizza we all sat their in silence eating the rest of our food, we didn't really know what to say. especially wilbur, he already hated the idea of tommy leaving so when tommy wants to leave quicker that just makes him overthink.

i know what wilburs like, he'll think that tommy hates us and him especially because he wants the process to go faster but i know that's not true.

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