- T H I R T Y S I X -

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~ Tommys pov ~

We arrive back at the house after a long day of walking around and talking and it turns out Phil isn't so bad. I'm mean, yeah he took my phone and PC but he obviously did it for a reason but I still had every right to be pissed off.

"Dad?" I hear Wilbur say from the couch.

"And me!" I add.

"Yeah, how could I forget you? You little gremlin"

"Shut up Wilbur"

"Anyway, where were you two?"

"We went out" Phil replied.

"Yeah! We went to the beach but I didn't actually want to go on it so we got chips from the chippy right next to it and then after that Phil showed me around the place and all the nice places here"

"Sounds like you had a good time then"

"Yeah it was great!" I smile before changing the subject "Wheres Techno?"

"His room"


I leave the two in the living room and head up stairs to Technos room, knocking before entering. As I look in, the light bulb is off and the only light source is shining from his computer.

"Techno!?" I whisper shout.

He turns round in his chair "What do you want Tommy?"

"Just wanted to come see you! I can go if you want"

"Um, no no it's fine come sit on the bed or whatever"


I sit down on the foot of his bed and looked at Techno who was obviously think about something, he didn't look alright, he looked stressed. He was looking all around the room like something was there

"Shut up" He muttered under his breath.

I raised my eyebrow "I didn't say anything?"

"Stop laughing at me" He whispered again.

"I'm not laughing Techno, shall I go get Phil?"

"I will protect him" He whispered once again.

He was beginning to scare me, I stood up and rushed out of the room shouting for Phil as I did so.

"What's up Tommy, what happened?"

"It's Techno" I panicked "He's being all weird and saying that I'm laughing at him when I'm not and telling me to shut up when I didn't say anything"

"It's alright mate go sit next to Wilbur I'll go talk to Techno alright?"

I nod in response and sit next to Wilbur who pulls me into his side with his right arm.

"You alright Toms?" He brushes his hand through my slightly matted hair.

"Yeah" I sniffle "He just scared me, it's like someone was there but I wasn't aware"

"I get what you mean, it used to scare me as well but you get used to it eventually"

"Are you sure?"

"Ninety-nine percent sure"

"What about the one percent? What if I'm that one percent?"

"You'll be fine, don't worry"

"Okay Wilbur if you say so"

I push my face into his chest as much as possible, I've never been shown much affection since I was super young so for Wilbur to do it made me feel happy but also embarrassed at the same time making my face go all red.

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