- O N E H U N D R E D & T H R E E -

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~ tommys pov ~

i had finished my burger that phil had made for us all and to be honest it was the nicest burger i had ever eaten, i've never been able to have much variety in all my other homes so this was completely different. i didn't think i'd like the toppings he put on but i did, it just made it taste better.

"what did you want to talk about phil?" i ask

"can you two go upstairs please?" he says to wilbur and techno before turning back to me "i've got a date"


don't get me wrong, i liked steve and lisa but the thought of leaving phil, wilbur and techno made my stomach turn. i've knew for a while that i'll be leaving but now there's a date for it, it's different.

"yeah" he nods "december first"

"what? that's like a week"

"i know but if you want more time here to get ready i can call puffy and let her know"

"no it's fine, when shall i pack my stuff?"

"whenever you like mate but don't leave it too late"

i did want to stay longer but i couldn't bring myself to ask, it felt rude asking to stay longer than i should be especially for free. plus staying longer would just make it worse because i'm already attached so i'd rather not get even more attached.

"okay thanks phil, can i go upstairs now?"

"of course just don't stay up too late alright?"

"alright, am i in school tomorrow?"

"you can have the day off tomorrow, we all need a day off after this week"


"yeah but as i said don't stay up too late"

"thanks phil!"

"no problem mate"

i give him a big smile before heading upstairs but instead of going into my room i went to technos, i felt bad about the argument we had earlier. i know it wasn't all my fault but i still felt like it was, techno had already been through enough just in these past two days and i made it worse.

"techno" i knock on the door "can i come in?"

"yeah" he replies and i open the door and step inside "what do you need?"

"just wanted to say i'm sorry" i take another step and close the door behind me "you know for earlier, i didn't mean to upset you and get us both in trouble"

"i'm fine buddy don't worry about me, i'm just sorry for lying to you and scaring you"

"it's fine don't worry, how are you since the 'incident' or whatever you want to call it?"

"i'm fine tommy, you don't need to keep asking i'm getting a therapist and they have prescribed me some new meds so you have nothing to worry about"

"i know but i feel bad"

"what? why?"

"i don't know" my eyes begin to tear up and i still didn't know why "i just feel so bad and i don't want to leave you guys, i have a week left!"

"come here" he pulled me in for a hug "i think we both need this hug don't we?"

i nod before saying into his shoulder "but i thought you didn't like hugs"

"i like hugs tommy but i don't like them from certain people and you are an exception, i like your hugs"

i smile "thanks i like yours too, i haven't had one in a while"


i love writing stuff like this,
tommy and techno fluff :p

also what do you guys think
about me writing in third person
so you can see what all characters
are feeling instead of one??

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