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~ Wilburs pov ~

I arrived home pissed off. And to top it off my room had been ruined, I wasn't sure who but I had a pretty good idea. Tubbo. He always messes the house up when he's around and you might ask why? Its because he's a nuisance. Don't get me wrong I do like Tubbo but the boy was too energetic for me sometimes.

As I'm cleaning up my pigsty of a room I hear a knock on my door and see Techno standing in the door way "You need to calm down"

"I will when I find out why Tubbo has trashed my room, he always does it, it pisses me off why can't he trash your room?!" I began to raise my voice.

Techno shushed me "Can you not shout? You already made Tommy have a panic attack we dont need him having another one"

My face immediately dropped "Oh shit, is he okay? I didn't mean to upset him shall I go talk to him?"

"No you better leave him for a bit to calm down, he got scared when you shouted. He thought we were gonna take him back because he ruined your room"

"Now I just feel even more bad" I sighed.

"Don't. He's fine and I've told him you won't be mad and this happens atleast once a week"

"Now you just made me seem like a drama queen"

"Because you are one" He chuckled leaving the room as I held up the middle finger until the door closed.

I began cleaning up the mess that they left while feeling guilty still, I started with the books that have been scattered all over the floor. I'm just glad it wasn't my revision things, I spent ages organising them and I still needed them for my A-level courses.

As soon as I finished sorting my room back to the way it was I heard a faint knock on the door, I open it to see Tommy with his headphones on and a tear stained face from earlier holding a piece of paper.

"I'm sorry for messing up your room Wilbur, I drew you a picture to say sorry" He hands me the paper "I didn't mean to do it and I wasn't thinking, then you came home and I got scared"

I grab the paper and examined it, it was a drawing of my guitar on its stand. It looked exactly like it aswell, he had a lot of talent that was for sure.

"Wow, this is so good Tommy I'm gonna stick it on my wall. And I'm not mad at you I promise, do you wanna come in?" I asked receiving a nod from the boy.

He walked into my room flopping down onto the bed making me smile, I enjoyed having another brother. He was different to Techno. Techno wasn't very sociable compared to Tommy who has already started to open up to me more and become himself.

"When am I going to school?" He asked.

"I don't know Tommy, you'll have to ask Dad. Probably when we go back in two weeks after the summer holidays, I think he was planning on speaking to you about it tomorrow"

"Okay, will I go to your school?"

"Yeah you will, me and Techno are going into sixth form"

"Oh, well I'm going into year nine. Do you think I'll see you at all?"

"Maybe in the corridors but that's about it, don't worry though you have Tubbo and he'll introduce you to his friends"

"Are you sure he will?"

"Yeah of course he will, you have met Tubbo haven't you?" I smile while he nodded laughing

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