- O N E H U N D R E D & T H I R T Y T W O -

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~ wilburs pov ~

me and sally were stuck on deciding what we wanted, it often led to arguments and that's the last thing i wanted. i love her so much and i hate arguing with her, she's my world and i would do anything for her so to see her upset with me hurts.

"well what do you want sally? this is a joint decision but you're the one carrying the baby" i say.

"i don't know wilbur, why won't you listen to me?" she begins to raise her voice.

"i am listening" i say my voice also beginning to raise "you're just not telling me what you want!"

"well tell me what you want for a start"

"i don't know either" i sigh.

"well how do you expect me to make a decision then? god wilbur you really aren't helping"

"what the fuck do you want me to do? i can't read your mind, i'm not a magician and you're not communicating!"

"i tried to communicate with you but you were too busy with brother to even sent me a text"

"because he was in hospital! what was i supposed to do and don't even try blame him for this"

"i'm not blaming him, i'm sorry i didn't mean it like that, i love you"

"i love you too" i nod.

she always does this, whenever something happens and it's her fault she tells me she loves me. it's nice and whatever but it's not right, it's manipulative and i know that yet i still stay with her. i'm afraid to be alone and without her, she has a good heart but sometimes she doesn't always know how to show it and when she said those things she doesn't really mean it.

"can we please go to sleep and talk about it in the morning?" she asks climbing into her bed that we were both staying in.

"yeah" i nod.

i turn off the light and get into bed beside her, she faces the opposite way to me and i face that way as well. i wrap my arms around her waist as she breaths softly.

"i love you" i whisper in her ear "it'll be alright soon"

"i'm scared" she also whispers voice cracking.

"me too but it's okay, we have each other"

"we do and i love you" she nods as she place her hands mine that are placed on her stomach.

"i wouldn't mind having a little me or you wandering around y'know?"

"i was thinking the same, i'm just scared of what other people will say"

"don't listen to the others darling, we'll get techno on them if they say a single word"

she laughs at what i say and doesn't respond meaning that she's slowly falling asleep, i heard her quiet snores minutes later. i always wondered how she fell asleep so fast, i mean i can fall asleep pretty easily but she's on a whole new level.

the room was silent, outside you could hear dogs barking outside and a few people coming back home from the pub but that's about it. i was left alone with my thoughts wondering about the future, i did that often, i always think about how i'll end up and who will actually be there for me. it fucked me up some nights but recently something else has been on my mind.


tommy had been on my mind, the house was unbearable without him there. it's so depressing without him, everyone is silent and when we do talk it ends in arguments. not really with dad but when me and techno even begin a conversation it doesn't end well and i don't know why.


hey sorry i've been uploading
less frequently, i've had stuff going
on and motivation to write has been
hard but i have a sbi one shots book
so if you like my writing and have
some requests please message me :))

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