- O N E H U N D R E D & S I X T Y E I G H T -

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~ tommys pov ~

i hadn't slept once again and i was so tired, i didn't know what time i was supposed to get up and go downstairs so i decided to wait for someone to come and 'wake me up' which happened around 8am.

i heard a knock on the door and i tucked myself under the covers instantly before closing me eyes, i heard soft footsteps come in and then a voice who i recognised to be phil's spoke up.

"tommy you awake? it's christmas!" he cheers.

i still pretend to be asleep because we all know that i'd never wake up that easily in my life, he left out a small sigh before walking closer to be and shaking me.

i let out an annoyed groan and he continues to shake me lightly "come on tommy, there's presents downstairs waiting for you"

i slowly flutter my eyes open and i see him chuckling at how i opened my eyes after the words 'presents' were said, i took a few minutes to 'adjust'. by then phil was gone and they were all waiting for me downstairs so they could open presents.

i look in the mirror and ruffle my hair a little before heading downstairs, i really needed a haircut though that's for sure! maybe i could get one for christmas.

"alright mate, here's your present" phil smiles and hands me a soft package wrapped in blue wrapping paper which was obviously some clothes.

"thanks phil" i reply as i sit down, wilbur and techno were also holding wrapped presents.

"who's going first?" phil asks.

"i will" wilbur perks up.

he ripped open the paper rather quickly and a brownish jumper fell out, it looked really cool and wilbur seemed happy with it as well. i really liked wilburs style and i'd love to wear clothes like him but unfortunately because i am a foster kid adorable clothes is all i can get and that style most of the time is not in my budget.

next techno opened his present, he opened it delicately and once he was done folded up the wrapping paper. im not sure why he did that but each to their own i guess. it was a book, i'm not sure what it was but he seemed happy with it.

it was now my turn and i open it awkwardly as i never really open presents myself, i put the wrapping paper to the side and opened up the folded bluish hoodie. it was a turquoise colour and it had 'sunday club' written on it with two funny looking figures underneath it. it was so cool and i couldn't wait to wear it!

"thank you phil, i really like it!" i smile, it seemed fake what i was saying but i really did appreciate though i find it hard to show people appreciation and thank them for things.

"it's not problem mate" he nods "wilbur chose it for you"

"thanks" i smile towards wilbur and he smiles back.

"are we going back to wilbur?" phil asks.

"sure" wilbur says and grabs his next present.

after they opened theirs i got to open mine of course and i opened it carefully once again, i opened it and saw an apple logo on the box and immediately knew what it was. an even bigger smile appeared up to my face and i look to phil in shock to see if this was my present, he gives me a smile back and nods.

"woah thank you phil, you didn't have to get me this"

"no it's okay tommy, your other phone is looking really mashed up so i thought you could get another one" he replied "we can transfer your sim over later if you want"

"that would be great thanks" i continue to smile with a nod.

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