- S E V E N T Y T H R E E -

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cw/tw - mentions of abuse

~ tommys pov ~

my heart was racing as i ran up the stairs, i thought phil wanted me. why would he let this happen? i don't want to leave, i want to stay here. i couldn't help put choke on the tears that were streaming down my face like a water fall.

i hear a knock on the door and then a voice "tommy?"

it was techno.

"yeah" i reply quietly as my throat was dry.

"can we come in?"

i don't answer, instead i bury myself into my sheets so they can't see my face, i didn't want them to see me like this. not that they would care anyway, i'll be gone in a few weeks anyway.

i hear the door creak open and try to suppress my cries as much as possible but failed miserably, i hear footsteps walk up to me and then my duvet pulled off me.

"come here toms" wilbur pulls me in for a hug which i melt into.

"i don't want to go" i sniffle.

"i know, we don't want you to go either"

"don't let them take me please" i turn to techno "you won't let them will you techno? you'll stop them won't you?"

technos eyes were red and shiny, i notice tears rolling down the side of his face "i'll try my best tommy, we all will"

"thank you" i smile "will you still talk to me when i go?"

"no we are going to cut off all contact with you" techno says sarcastically.

"shut up techno" wilbur laughs wiping away his tears "of course we will tommy, you have our phone numbers so if you ever need us we are here for you, aren't we techno?"

"yeah we are" techno smiles for once.

"when do you think i'll go because i don't even know them, they wouldn't just adopt me without knowing me would they?"

"probably not tommy, they have to do all the paperwork first and then make sure you're comfortable with them and all of that" techno explains "it will take at least a few weeks"

"oh, what happens if they are like the other houses?"

"what do you mean by that tommy?" wilbur raises and eyebrow, his arm was still wrapped around me. it made me feel safe.

"i mean what if they hurt me? they might destroy my headphones, what if they don't like me"

"none of that will happen tommy and if it does we will come get you and techno will give them a black eye just like he did to" he points to his bruised eye making techno chuckle and roll his eyes.

"i've got an idea" i say while grinning.

"what is it tommy?" techno says bluntly knowing it's going to be something stupid. it kind of was but it made sense.

"why don't i just be really naughty when i get there so they send me back then you guys can foster me again!"

"tommy that's a du-" wilbur begins to say before techno cuts him off.

"no that's actually a good idea, i know a lot of people who have done that and it works"

i smiled and began thinking of what i could do to send them back, first i would have to know what they were like. i can always tell what they're going to be like by the way they are the first time they meet me.

with phil, techno and wilbur i felt safe as well as the old lady, she made me feel safe when i first met her but i let her down. i wish i could meet her again, i hope she's proud of me.

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