- F I F T E E N -

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~ Technos pov ~

A knock coming from the door along with Tommy shouting my name interrupts me from reading my book, I shout for him to come in which he does smiling why he enters.

"What's up?" I ask still laying down staring at my book.

"I was wondering if you could get minecraft on my computer because I don't know how to do it, Wilbur said you could do it" He responded slightly louder than usual.

I sigh getting up "Yeah sure buddy, let's go to your room then"

I followed Tommy to his bland bedroom, he really nees to decorate, there's nothing here. He logs on to his computer and lets me sit down in my seat.

"How are we gonna pay for it?" He tilts his head.

"Dads credit card, I have it memorised don't worry" I smirk.

"Woah, that's si-" He stops himself "Wait. Is this gonna get us in trouble?"

"No it's fine, chill"

"Okay" He relaxed.

I typed in Dad's details onto the computer and purchased minecraft: Java edition and watched as it began downloading pretty slowly.

"So you met Sally yet?" I make conversation.

"Sally?" He thought for a moment "Ohhh you mean that Sally as in Wilburs girlfriend, yeah she's coo. She said I could meet her dog soon" He smiled at the thought "have you met her yet?"

"Surprisingly, yeah I have met her"

"Do you like her?"

"She's alright, I don't really talk to her to because I'm always in my room"

"Oh that's pretty anti-social, isn't it?"

"Better than talking to people I don't want to"

"Fair enough, do you like her?"

"Yeah she's nice, I was friends with her before they got together but that was in year seven and eight so she's probably changed now"

"So did Wilbur steal her from you?"

"No Tommy, I didn't like her like that we were just friends"

"If you say so" He made his voice higher.

"Whatever Tommy, I'll cancel this if you want" I rolled my eyes pointing to the screen.

"God I was just joking, chill"

"Let me know when it's done, I'm going downstairs"

"Okay bye Techno"

I leave his room closing the door behind me and head down the stairs to the kitchen where I see dad sitting on the stool reading a newspaper, I head over to the fridge and grab some food out of there sitting next to him.

"Hiya mate, you alright?" He smiles not looking up from his newspaper.

"Yeah good thanks, just downloaded minecraft for Tommy" I answer.

"Ah, so that's why I got that notification"

"Yeah that's why" I chuckle silently "What did you get today?"

"Just bought school things for Tommy" He looked over to the bags on the floor "Speaking of school I need to get Tommy to pick his GCSE options, they sent the form over earlier"

"Well he's in his room if you want to get him"

"Yeah I will in a sec" He says while standing up.

He grabbed a sheet of paper which I guessed was the thing Tommy needed to fill in, I watched as he walked up the stairs slowly before pulling out my phone and scrolling through Instagram.

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