- S I X T Y F O U R -

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cw/tw - mentions of pills.

~ tommys pov ~

here i was taking another pill while techno and wilbur watched from the side waiting for me, i wasn't actually taking it so they were just standing there while phil stood in front of me.

"tommy if you're not gonna take it i'll make wilbur take them into school for you and you can take them there because you're gonna make them two late" phil gestured over to techno who was sat on the stool waiting for me and wilbur who was standing against the doorway on his phone.

"no i'm not taking them" i shake my head.

"i know you don't want to but it's not my choice, you'll have to speak to mrs. puffy about it"

"whatever" i sigh while turning around.

"here you go wilbur"

i could here phil's sarcastic smile as he passed the bottle to wilbur which only made me groan as we left the house. wilbur laughed at my response and ruffled up my hair, i don't know why he did that all the time but i liked it.

obviously i didn't tell him that or show it, instead i just pushed his arm away from me every time he did it.

"you're gonna have to show me where your head of year is when we get to school because i have no clue where to go" wilbur told me.

i roll my eyes "alright"

"tommy stop being so grumpy because you have to take medication" techno added.

"whatever techno" i roll my eyes again before muttering "pink haired prick"

"i heard that child"

"hey!" i shouted "i'm not a child"

"sure child"

"you two stop it" wilbur intervened "we are at school now so don't fight or mr. higgins will get you"

"i like mr. higgins, he's nice"

"only because he gave you food tommy"

"shut up techno just because he doesn't like you" i retorted.

"if you weren't three years younger than me you would also have a black eye"

"no i wouldn't because i'm not a pussy like wilbur" i smirked as i pissed of them off even more than i already had.

"shut up both of you, you're already giving me a headache" wilbur practically shouted in the empty corridor.

"whatever, i've got to go now so have fun with your pills tommy" techno mocked me while smirking.

"fuck off, i'll hit you"

"no you won't" he laughed.

"you wanna bet?"

he nodded and laughed before i went running at him, he quickly put his hands out as i tackled him almost sweeping him on his feet but not quite. i found it quite funny but clearly techno didn't as he pushed me off quite aggressively actually.

"what's going on here?" a random teacher asked.

"techno is a fucking prick that's what" i spat before walking off with wilbur.

"what's going on with you two?" wilbur questioned.

"i dunno, he hates me or something" i shrug.

"yeah right, techno only hates people who do something bad and you have done nothing wrong he's just in a bad mood"

"that's nice to know anyway, here is the office" i point, i don't think he realised we were already there so he seemed shocked when i told him.

as he went to knock on i opened the door just before his hand hit the wood "hello sir!"

"hi tommy, what can i do for you?"

"wilbur has to give you something"

wilbur walked over to mr. hill and handed him the bottle of pills which made him tilt his head slightly.

"tommy wouldn't take them at home so dad gave me them and said he has to take them here" wilbur explains.

"how many does he have to take?"

"i dunno" he shrugged "you'll have to ring dad, anyways i've got to go, don't get in trouble tommy"

"bye" i wave subtly.

i think you should follow @Stinky3gg on wattpad they are very cool 😆

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