- O N E H U N D R E D & F O R T Y T H R E E -

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cw/tw - physcosis/hallucinations

~ tommys pov ~

i woke up to the beeping sound of the monitor and puffy still sat there staring at the tv just like she said she would be, i let my eyes readjust to the light before clearing my throat and slowly trying to sit up which caught puffys attention.

"morning tommy" she chuckled "sleep well?"

"yeah" i nodded.

my head felt dizzy and i could hear a voice talking to me, it was mable. i had seen her before and i talk about her a lot, i usually refer to her as the 'old lady' but she's much more than that, she's special to me and i haven't seen her in a while but all i know is that she's coming back to me.

i see her in the corner sitting on the chair, she was knitting like she usually did. she used to make me beanies, scarves and loads more, i loved them lots but i don't know where they went. she gave me them and not even an hour later they were gone, it really confused me.

"hi tommy, it's been a while" she smiles.

"i know, i missed you" i reply.

"tommy who are you talking to?" puffy asks.


i hear puffy let out an audible sigh, she has never liked mable and i don't know why. maybe she just hasn't got to know her like i have.

"oh right, how's she doing?"

i shrug "ask her yourself"

"i'm okay"

puffy just nodded and smiled "i think you're being discharged tomorrow, you excited?"

"yeah i guess" i shrug "where am i going?"

"it's being arranged later on and hopefully if everything's well you should be going tomorrow"

"okay" i simply reply before looking over to the corner "mable's making me some gloves for christmas, isn't that cool?"

"yeah tommy it is, what colour are they?"

i look over and see her with blue and red wool in her lap "blue and red! my favourite colours"

"that's exciting, i've got to go make a call tommy so i'll be back in a minute"

"okay" i nod.

i was nervous about her leaving the room and being alone but then i remembered that i had mable sitting and talking to me in the corner of the room so i was safe with her.

i watched as she quickly knitted the blue and red gloves for me, her hair was short, curly and grey just like i remember from a year ago. i wasn't close enough but i hoped she still had the smell of flowers like she always had, i loved giving her hugs, the main reason being the smell of her perfume.

"don't trust them tommy" she tells me.

"trust who?" i ask.

"the doctors, puffy and whoever you're going to next, they're all bad for you tommy, only i know what's best for you"

she was right, i shouldn't trust any of them. mable always knew what was best for me ever since i met her, i was sad when she left but now she's back and all in my life would hopefully be right again.


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