- O N E H U N D R E D & S I X T Y O N E -

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~ third person pov ~

phil woke up a little later than he expected and quickly rushed to tommys room to wake the boy up but when he wasn't there, he completely panicked. his mind went to the worst possible thing and instantly rushed down the stairs to see if the doors he had locked last night remained shut and thankfully they were.

as he walked around the bottom floor of the house he noticed the wrappers that were on the table which meant tommy snook downstairs late the night before but was clearly disrupted by someone in the process.

he let out a deep breath before heading back upstairs and going to check in the other boys room as it could be likely that he snook into one of their rooms last night.

he first went into wilburs room and tommy was not in there which left technos room, before he opened it his heart was in his throat as he hoped the young boy was in there. he opened the door and saw two of his boys figures lying there in the dark making him let out a sigh of relief.

i flick on the light and neither of them wake up so i walk over to the side tommy was sleeping on and shook him, i'm just glad he was asleep.

"tommy you need to get up mate, the police will be here soon" i whisper but just get a groan in response "come on tommy, do you want me to drag you out of this bed?"

"whatever" he muttered and went back to sleep.

i decided that he wasn't going to wake up so i picked him up and placed him on the ground with his feet on the ground "what the fuck are you doing phil?"

"you won't wake up so i've taken matters into my own hands and now you're awake" i smirked.

"why are you being a prick? i just want to sleep!"

"you can sleep after you've given a statement mate, i know you don't want to and it might be scary but i'll stay in the room if you want to"

"i don't need you treating me like a kid, fuck off!"

"tommy i'm just looking out for you and after you so please don't make this harder than it is"

"can you guys get out of my room?" i hear technos croaky voice.

"yes we can, come on tommy" i reply and walk behind tommy as he shuffles out of the room and onto the landing.

i quickly switch off technos light and shut the door behind me, i knew there would be no time for him to get changed and he wouldn't even need to really so i decided to go to my room to get changed so i looked presentable.

as soon as i had just finished getting changed i heard a car pull up outside and as i went downstairs a knock was heard on the door, i walk to through the living room where tommy was sitting half asleep on the couch and over to the front door.

as i open the door i see a woman standing there in a black suit which surprised me because i thought it would be uniformed officers at my door "hello sir, are you phil watson?"

"yes that's me" i nod and let her into the house.

"nice to meet you, i'm detective brown" she shook my hand "is tommy ready?"

"yeah, he's just in the living room" i smile and lead her to where tommy was sitting on the couch "would you like a drink?"

"i'm alright thank you"

i nod and turn to tommy "do you want one tommy?" he shakes his head in response "would you like me to be here or not mate?"

"alone" he shortly replies and i give a short smile to detective brown before leaving the room and heading back upstairs.

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