- T H I R T Y F I V E -

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~ Tommys pov ~

I hop out the car and rush over to the railings that overlook the beach, there was quite a lot of people here which was surprising considering it was school time and people would be at work.

Phil catches up to me "You gonna go in Tommy?"

"No" I shake my head.

"How come?"

"Because all the sand would get on my legs and I hate that because it stays in my shoes for ages aswell and then when I go in the water it gets in my mouth and I don't like that either"

"Fair enough mate, do you wanna go get some chips?"

"Can I get a sausage aswell?"

"Of course mate"

We begin to walk over to the chip shop which was pretty quiet so we got served almost instantly. We sat down at the table inside the building and began munching down on our food, I grabbed the salt and began pouring quite a lot.

"Slow down Toms, that's diabetes in a box"

"The more the better, that's what they say innit?"

He laughed slightly "Something like that"

"How come you chose me?" I ask.

He shrugged "Seemed like you needed a family and chose you, plus your papers stood out to me"

"Oh, that's nice"

"So, do you like our house?"

"Yeah I do, I know I said that I hated it yesterday but I didn't mean to. I was just angry"

"I know mate don't worry, sometimes we say things we don't mean and can't help it"

"Yeah exactly, and I'm sorry about everything that happened at school as well"

"It's alright mate, plus we're getting you that teacher aren't we?"

"Yeah, thanks for understanding Phil, no one else ever does"

"Of course Tommy, glad I could help, if you don't mind me asking what were your other houses like?"

"Oh, erm some weren't very good, but one of them was good, I lived with this old woman and she had a little dog but it was a little smelly I won't lie"

"So what happened with her?"

"She got rid of me eventually because the school kept ringing and complaining about me so she got fed up, it was fun while it lasted though. She made me some nice cookies when I got home on Fridays which was nice of her, will you do that aswell?"

"What do you mean bud?"

"I mean, will you do nice things for me and then when I get in trouble will you send me back like she did because I trusted her"

His face softened after that sentence "No of course I won't Tommy, no matter how bad things get you've got me, Techno, Wilbur and Mrs. Puffy with you"

"Thanks Phil, you're like a dad to me already"

He smiled widely as my face changed colour slightly. I was never good at sharing how I felt and expressing my feelings and when I did I just end up going bright red and go all awkward.

"Aw thanks mate, you're a son to me already" He ruffled my hair as he stood up collecting our empty polystyrene boxes "Right, let's get going"

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