- F O R T Y E I G H T -

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~ Tommys pov ~

"Did you go to your detention Tommy?" He asked.

"Yeah" I lied while nodding.

"So where you speeding off to? I'm pretty sure you're meant to be there right now still"

"I'm just going the toilet" I came up with a story on the spot.

"Ah right, so where are you having your detention?"

"In the head of year office why?"

"You're lying Tommy, you're good at it but what you don't realise is that I'm in charge of the detention and you didn't show up"

I sigh "In my defence I thought you were sorting it out"

"Yes I was going to but I haven't had time"

"And how is that my problem?"

"Tommy you need to sort your attitude out otherwise you're going to have some problems with me and other teachers"

"And you think I care?!"

I see Techno walking this way and I sigh, why does he always show up at the worst time? It's like he knows what is going on at all times.

"Everything alright Tommy?" He asks looking in between me and Mr. Higgins.

"Yeah, fine thanks" I tell him and he nods walking off slowly.

"Right, well Tommy I think you should be coming with me now, don't you?"

"No" I shake my head.

"Tommy, come on mate don't make it hard for yourself"

"No! How many times do I have to tell people I've done nothing wrong?" I raise my voice to which Techno heard and turned around.

"Tommy what's the problem?" He groans.

"They're giving me a detention because of that stupid fight!" I tell him.

"Well is the boy who started the fight getting in trouble as well?"

"No! That's why I'm pissed off"

"Tommy I don't need this language and Techno please move along and get to wherever you need to be"

"No I won't, I'm sorry sir but this isn't fair, I'd understand if they're both being punished but that's not happening so I'm not leaving"

He sighed "Alright, do you two want to come to my office to sort this out?"

"Don't you have a detention to be looking over?" I asked.

"No I don't, I got someone to cover while I looked for you"

"Of course you did!"

We continued to walk to his office, I walked along side Techno who was in the middle of us three. When we finally made it there he welcomed us in and let us sit on the couch.

"So what's going on with you boys?" He asked.

"What?" I say confused.

"Got any problems you need to report?"

"Are you being serious?"

"Tommy calm down" Techno clutches onto my arm "You told us to come here sir so what are you taking about?"

"You are correct, I just wanted to talk to you boys"

"What about?" I ask.

"Just wanted to see how you're doing, I've seen you're quite the trouble maker Tommy"


"I'm here to put a stop to that, from what I've seen you are a smart boy we don't want to see you go the wrong path do we? You have so many opportunities available so I don't want to see it go to waste"

"So you brought us here to give us a motivational speech?"

"You remind me of Techno when he was your age, same attitude, both smart, trouble maker, different hair though" He chuckled.

I looked at Techno and then back at Mr. Higgins "Why does everyone keep saying that?" I sulk.

Techno just laughed in response and nudged my shoulder just making me even more confused so I just sunk down into the chair to relax.

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