- F I F T Y T H R E E -

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~ Technos pov ~

I was sat in the library finishing up on some last minute homework that was due soon, I never used to do homework but I figure that now I'm in sixth form I better start putting my head down and get involved in my work.

I had my earphones in listening to music bopping my head to the rhythm of it, I look over to the right where I see the door open from the corner of my eye and see Tommy trailing behind Mr. Hill with puffy eyes, he had some headphones on which made me worry.

I immediately pull the earphones out of my ears while standing up and rushing over to him.

"You alright Toms?" I look down to him.

"Y-yeah I'm f-fine" He struggles to get his words out.

I turn to Mr. Hill who was standing next to us "What happened?"

"He had a panic attack, I calmed him down mostly but he wanted to see you" He informed me "he told me about the noises so I got him some headphones"

"Thank you, I'm gonna ring Dad and let him know"

"Alright, I've got to go sort something out" He turned to Tommy "Will you be alright her? I'll be back in a few minutes"

Tommy nods in response to his question, when Mr. Hill gets that reply he walks away swiftly out of the library. I guided Tommy to where I was sitting and we both sat down in the silent room, it was odd to be somewhere that was so quiet all the time but peaceful at the same time.

"You alright? I can ring Dad if you want, he can pick you up"

He shook his head, I could tell he wanted to go home but didn't want to seem weak. He had that problem just like me, I didn't want people to see the weaker side of me so I would always hold everything in until one day it all came out which was going to happen to him soon enough.

"Alright, want a earphone?" He shook his head again "Okay, got any work? That's a stupid question isn't it?"

He laughs and nods "Yeah, these headphones aren't very comfy by the way, the ones you got me were better"

"That's because I'm better than everyone Tommy"

He rolls his eyes playfully "Yeah right, anyway look at this"

He pulls out a stress ball which I recognised to be Wilburs "When did you get that?"

"Last night, Wilbur gave me it" He told me "He said when I get angry or stressed I should just squeeze it"

"Oh yeah, does it work?"

He shrugged "I dunno it's fun to play around with though"

"Why don't you pop it?" I chuckled, I realised it was probably not the best thing to recommend to a thirteen year old, especially when that thirteen year old is Tommy.

"Really?" He perked up.

I couldn't say no now, he was finally cheering up so I just nodded as he grabbed a scissors from his blazer pocket.

"No, no no" I whispered "Not now! I mean when we get home or something"

"Well it's too late now" He shrugged while stabbing the ball quite aggressively if I do say so myself.

"Oh my god Tommy" I whisper harshly "Why would you do that?"

I stare at the table full of orbs rolling around in disbelief while Tommy laughed his socks off, I try to collect them all up but failed making me sit down embracing the failure.

"Tommy what have you done here?" A voice that I recognised to be Mr. Hill chuckled from behind us.

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