- O N E H U N D R E D & T W E N T Y N I N E -

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cw/tw - underage drinking

~ third person pov ~

tommy was passed out on a dirty old couch in the cabin that man people had done god knows what on, all of the boys were practically fine compared to tommy who had drank way too much than he should of without the others noticing.

harry was practically sober thank god but unfortunately they hadn't got any water to sober tommy up who was blacked out and wasn't responding to anyone, harry's parents were cool so he decided that he was gonna carry tommy home himself and let him stay the night.

when he got back his parents were out which didn't really make a difference to what he was doing anyway, it was great that his parents didn't care what he did to others but for him it just made him feel like shit. he never felt the love that other kids felt from their parents, he doesn't remember the last time the words 'i love you' came out of either of their mouths and for a thirteen year old that's going to hurt.

he rested tommy onto his couch because the walk home was awful and he didn't want to take him upstairs yet either because he was tired enough already, once tommy was comfy he left the room and made his way to the kitchen.

he filled up a glass of water and went to shake tommy who was slowly waking up, when tommy did open his eyes he closed them instantly due to the light. he was still drunk obviously but harry hoped the water would sober him up a little or at least enough to get him to walk upstairs partly on his own.

"oh hi harry" he smiled.

"hiya mate, drink this" harry replied while handing the drink over to tommy.

"no i'm alright" tommy laughed.

"no come on tommy, drink some"

"i'm tired" he lounged back on the sofa once again.

"have this first then you can go upstairs and sleep in my bed" harry negotiated.

"fineee" tommy groaned.

harry made sure the boy was sat up before guiding the glass of water to his mouth that he was very incapable of doing himself at that moment in time. once he had took at least a few gulps harry helped him stand up so he could get upstairs.

they made their way up the stairs slowly but surely, tommy was leaning all his weight onto harry but harry didn't mind. he'd been in this position before, his parents had often come home drunk at times meaning that he had to help them one or two times a week do the exact same thing except the only difference is that tommy is a lot lighter making it easier to walk.

"you're a really good friend, did you know that harry?" tommy smiled as he slurred his words.

"thanks tommy, you're pretty great too" he chuckled.

"what time is it?"

"umm" he pulled out his phone "about five why?"

"apparently i need to be home soon" tommy mumbled as he was about to fall asleep.

"i can text your dad or whoever that you're staying at mine"

"text phil" he whispered before heading off to sleep.

harry texted the contact that said 'phil' but he just got a confused text in response asking what tommy was talking about, harry didn't know what to respond leaving him on read.

moments later a text came through from someone called steve asking where the boy was, he guessed that steve was the person he was supposed to be texting instead of phil. he began to wonder who phil was but pushed that thought aside and began to quickly type out a message to steve.


tommy where are you? thought
you would be home by now

i'm at my friends house can i stay
here for the night?

if your friends parents are okay with
it then sure. do you need some spare

no he will give me some it's fine

alright stay safe x

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