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cw/tw - pills

~ phil's pov ~

i wake up to the sound of someone knocking on the door and shouting "phil!"

as i sit up and my eyes adjust to the light coming from outside i see tommy standing in the door way, i look over to the clock and see that it's mid day making me get up almost immediately.

"oh hiya tommy, how was the sleepover?" i ask before yawning.

"it was good, we made flapjacks! i came home to get my pills by the way"

"since when did you care about taking pills? you avoid them at any cost usually"

"wilbur said the same thing" he groaned "i want to get into a routine and do everything right"

"alright then, let's go get your pills"

"okay i'll meet you downstairs"

i nod and grab my dressing gown off the back of the door before wrapping it round me and follow tommy down the stairs.

"when am i staying at steve and lisa's then?" he asks.

"i think it's this weekend if you're up for it" i tell him.

"yeah sure" he shrugs "when am i actually gonna live there?"

"i'm not sure mate, do you still wanna go?"

"i do but it's just the process, it's long and depressing"

"well when do you want to move in?"

"i don't care, i just hate going to meet them all the time because there's no point in it"

"do you want me to talk to puffy about it and move it forward?"

"you'd do that?"

"yep" i nod while pouring his pills onto my hand "here you go"

he took it and finished the rest of his drink, as he was doing that there was a knock on the door so i went to answer it. as i opened it i see schlatt standing there with a box that he handed to me while smiling.

"hiya schlatt, come in" i say as i walk into the living room while he follows behind.

"here you go" he hands me the box.

"thanks, was tommy alright last night?"

"yeah i didn't hear much of them when they went upstairs, he was up late though"

"that doesn't surprise me" i chuckle before seeing tommy walk into the room.

"hi schlatt" he turns to me and spots the flapjacks "oo, can i have them?"

i hand them to him "yes but don't eat them all because i want some and the others probably will as well"

"whatever" he rolls his eyes while walking out of the room "we can make some more!"

after we hear tommy go upstairs schlatt speaks up.

"how you feeling about him leaving?"

"not sure to be honest, it'll be weird without him here but i think he actually wants to go now"

"that's not what he told me last night"

i turned to him "what?"

"yeah he told me while we were baking or whatever it's called that  he'd rather stay here"

"but he literally told me earlier that he wanted to go and get it over and done with"

"probably because he can't deal with staying here everyday knowing that he's got to leave some day"

"i gotta call puffy in a minute anyway, he wants to hurry up the process apparently"

"do you want me to go?"

"no it's fine i'll only be a moment"


i'm gonna start updating less
regularly sorry because i'm
busy with school and stuff
but don't forget to vote <3

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