- O N E H U N D R E D & T W E N T Y S I X -

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cw/tw - abuse

~ tommys pov ~

i got caught not long later and was sent home which wasn't a surprise and when i got back to lisa and steve's, they weren't happy. well lisa wasn't happy, steve wasn't home yet so he didn't know but i got sent up to my room straight away by her.

not long i hear her come up the stairs and she didn't look happy, she looked furious. i knew that look and i was ready, i really didn't think this was going to happen but it did.

"get here now" she orders and i waste no time standing up.

"please don't" i whisper.

before i know it a hand was slapped against my face and a burning sensation was present, next i was punched in the stomach. it was a very familiar feeling yet i had lost my breath like almost every time.

the rest was a blur but i know that she didn't hit my face except from the slap thats redness would clear away by the morning, after a few more hits to the stomach she left.

before she left she said "don't you dare tell anyone about this, if you do and i go to prison you don't know what will happen, you here me?"

i silently nod curling up on the floor as tear threaten to floor, although i want to tell someone i can't. i know what she means by 'you don't know what will happen to you', she'll get someone after me and whoever my future foster family would be after she's caught. i don't want that so i'm staying silent.

i silently and slowly crawl back into bed, no one was home and even if anyone except her was i wouldn't talk to them. i wasn't in an immense sort of pain but it still hurt, at least i can walk i guess.

i lay in the bed staring at the ceiling, i begin to wonder what phil would be doing at that very moment. i knew techno and wilbur would be at school but phil wouldn't be at work because mondays his day off so i decided to text him.



hi tommy are you not in

got sent home from school

what did you do this time?

i didn't want to go pe so i hid
from them all and then they found
me and sent me home

i thought you did you'll be good

that's your fault for believing me and
i told you that i don't like going to pe

well atleast try to be good for us

surprisingly youre not in charge of me
anymore so i don't have to listen to you

you didn't listen to me when i was
i'm charge of you


anyway how's the family?

good! i went to the park and played football
with steve (the dad) and i'm pretty good

that's great! you should talk to techno
about it and he'll give you some help
with it
are you going to join a team?

i might but i don't think i'll be joining
the school team though because i don't
go to pe

well if you go to pe maybe you can

no thanks phil i'll pass
anyway i've got to go lisa's shouting me

alright mate i'll see you later and
text me if you need anything

yeah bye


that was a lie thank god, i didn't want to go anywhere near that woman but i knew i had to eventually but i just wanted to sleep so that's just what i did.


double upload for you guys <33

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