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~ Technos pov ~

We arrived in the car park of the shopping mall, I could see that Tommy was anxious. More than he usually was around us so I decided to stay close to him as we got closer and closer to the building.

"Right, Tommy are you alright going with Techno to get the headphones because he'll be better at this tech sort of stuff and I need to go shopping for food with Wilbur" Dad asked Tommy.

He gave a hesitating nod, I understood why he was nervous. I had barley spoke to him and probably scared him as I am taller than him.

"That's great, so Techno have you got the money I gave you?" I nodded "Okay when you're done getting the headphones maybe you guys could look for some new clothes for Tommy and some things for his room"

"Yeah, sure" I agree while turning around walking to the tech store with Tommy.

It was obvious none of us were going to start a conversation so we  just walked through the crowd of people keeping close to each other, I couldn't get him lost. Dad would've killed me.

When we got to the store I took Tommy to the headphone section and began to look through all of them trying them on to see if they were comfortable enough for him and we eventually found ones that did after a long time of looking.

"Hey, look at these Tommy they have Bluetooth as well" I showed him "You can play music from your phone"

"Oh yeah" He examined them "Aren't they a bit expensive?"

"No it's fine don't worry that means they'll last awhile aswell, plus it isn't our money anyway it's Dads"

"If you say so, can I try them on?"

I hand them over to him "Of course"

He readjusted them to fit his ears and kept them on for a while before giving me a nod and taking them off. I asked a worker if there was any of them available to which there was that he got from the back. As soon as we paid we left the store and stopped outside the shop.

"Do you wanna put them on now?" I ask him.

"Yeah, will I still be able to hear you?" He replies.

"Yeah you should be able to, that's what the guy said anyway"


I grabbed the cardboard box out of the bag and began to unwrap the packaging, as I look up I see Tommy standing there with his fingers in her ears so I hurried up the pace and opened them quicker ignoring the wires and instructions and just getting the headphones out and onto his head which I eventually did.

"Is that better" I smiled slightly.

"Yeah and they're comfortable"

"Great, shall we go get you some things for your room and some clothes?"


First we got some things for Tommy's room, he didn't want much, he got a lava lamp which he seemed pretty happy about aswell as a new sketchbook and a photo frame. I let him know that if he wanted anything else he could get it but he ignored me and got them three things.

As we walked over to the clothes store I saw Tommy staring into a toy shop as we walked past it, it seems like he had his eyes fixated onto a rubix cube in the window.

"You alright Tommy?" I pulled him out of his trance.

"Yeah, just looking" He looked over to me.

"We can go in if you want"


"Yeah of course we can, do you want that rubix cube?"

"If it's okay"

"Of course it is"

We headed inside to the shop grabbing the rubix cube and quickly left after paying for it making our way over to the clothes store where Tommy bought a hoodie and a few T-shirt's along with pants.

I think it would've been better if Wilbur went shopping with Tommy for clothes as he knew more about fashion than I did but Tommy liked the outfits which is all that mattered I guess.

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