- O N E H U N D R E D & T H I R T Y S I X -

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~ phil's pov ~

i was sitting down with wilbur at the table to talk about him and sally, i've heard them argue multiple times and i don't want him to be in a toxic relationship where they argue often. i've been there myself and that's the last thing i want for either of them.

"what do you want then dad?" he asks.

"i wanted to talk about you and sally, i hear you two arguing and so does techno" i say.

"and? what's that got to do with you?"

"i want to make sure you're okay and what's going on with the baby"

"that's the reason we're arguing! we don't know what we want"

"what have her parents said?"

wilbur stayed silent and i knew exactly what that meant "they don't know, do they?"

"no" he shakes his head "we are gonna tell them soon"

"you better by the end of the week otherwise i'll be going down there and telling them myself, i mean it wilbur"

"whatever dad, we don't even know if we're keeping it or not and it's got nothing to do with you anyway"

"excuse me? you're living under my house so it has got something to do with me, where's this child gonna live because if it has nothing to do with me like you say i won't be looking after it while you're in school and i doubt sally's parents will either, we all have jobs"

"alright i'm sorry" his voice went quieter and he looked down "i just don't know what to do, sally keeps arguing with me and i don't even want to argue" a tear falls down his face "i'm scared dad"

i get my seat and bring it next to him, i sit down and put my arm around his shoulder "of course you are but if you want to bring life into this world then you have to be prepared to look after it, if you want to keep it you can and i'll be there for you and sally but if you don't want to you should tell her"

"thank you dad" he rests his head on my shoulder.

"it's no problem, why don't you go up to bed?"

"no i'm too tired" he chuckled "carry me"

"wilbur you're sixteen not six, don't even think about it"

"fine" he huffed.

"how are you doing with school anyway? i haven't spoken to you about stuff like this in a few weeks"

"i think i'm doing alright, at least in music"

"it's alright if you're slipping a bit wilbur, i know how stressful it's been recently for all of us and especially you"

"thanks dad"

"it's no problem wilbur and if you ever need to talk to me about anything you can, you know that don't you?"

"yes dad and i do have to ask you something"

"of course, what is it?"

"do you miss tommy?"

i pause for a moment, i wasn't expecting that question at all.

"of course i do wilbur, do you?"

"yeah, it's quiet around here without him"

"i know but at least he's living his life the same, he's already been sent home from school"

"what did he do this time?"

"skipped pe like usual"

"classic tommy" we both laugh.


hope you have a good day!!

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