- O N E H U N D R E D & S I X T Y S E V E N -

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~ tommys pov ~

after about half an hour of sitting in my room on my phone i heard a knock at the door and then the door opened to reveal a very familiar bouncy brunette "hi tommy! where did you go?" he asks joyfully.

"um i just wanted to be alone i guess" i shrug and put my phone down.

"oh okay, what do you wanna do now?"

"i don't mind, we could go annoy someone"

"yes! who though?"

"hm" i think for a moment "maybe techno or wilbur, i'd rather not annoy our dads when they've got our presents"

i realised what i said and so did tubbo, luckily he didn't say anything though otherwise it could've got awkward real fast.

"i say we should annoy wilbur, i don't want to get shouted at by techno" he suggested.

"good idea!" i smiled "i'd rather not have techno in a bad mood all night"

"alright let's go!"

we both jump off my bed, leave the room and head across the hall to wilbur bedroom. i didn't know why everyone was in their rooms on christmas eve but i didn't care, i was actually getting presents this year.

we knock on the door and get an annoyed "what" from him inside, we take that as a sign to enter with big grins and he looked confused instantly.

"what do you two want?" he mutters.

"we just wanted to come see you, is that a problem wilbur?"

"no i just wanted to know what you guys were doing"

"okay well now you know!" i smirk and turn around to his desk "what you got on here anyway, what are you revising for?"

"nothing tommy, don't touch that" he groans.

i take that as a sign to touch it, i mean if someone tells me not to do something by law i have to do it. i pick the book up and start flicking through it and he gets off his bed instantly.

"stop it, get out the both you" he raises his voice "stop being fucking cunts!"

"we aren't doing anything wilbur" tubbo says.

"exactly, stop being so grumpy" i add.

"i swear to god, get out of my room! i'll go get dad in a minute"

"we've done nothing so i don't understand why you're being like this, especially on christmas!"

"you're ruining my shit!" he exclaims "i don't care if it's christmas or not, get out my room!"

just as i was about to respond the door opens to reveal schlatt standing there "everything alright boys?"

"no" wilbur replies "they won't get out of my room even though i told them to!"

he sighs "come on guys, leave wilbur alone and come downstairs"

"ugh" i sigh and leave the room following tubbo and schlatt, i gave one last look at wilbur who looked rather annoyed before closing the door behind me.

we get to the bottom of the stairs to the kitchen and phil immediately said "what have you two done now?"

"they were annoying wilbur and wouldn't leave his room" he chuckled.

"oh god" he sighs "it's christmas eve as well, he better be in a good mood tomorrow"

"he'll be fine" schlatt resssures him "anyway, i think we better get going tubs" he says as he messes up tubbos recently brushed hair.

"alright, i'll see you guys next week then" phil nods as he walks with them to the door.

"you too, see ya later buddy" he says to me "and don't be annoying techno or wilbur" he chuckles.

"i won't" i smile before facing tubbo "see you in a week"

"yeah bye! have a good christmas"

"you too mate" phil smiles before waving and closing the door behind them.

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