- O N E H U N D R E D & T H I R T Y T H R E E -

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cw/tw - self degrading, pills

~ tommys pov ~

the bruise had now fully appeared on my face overnight and it hurt so bad to the point where my vision was covered, i didn't eat dinner last night which wasn't very good as i should've eaten more than what i normally eat. she was right, i did need to eat more, i'm so skinny for no reason. i could've done something about it but i didn't.

i walk over to the mirror and inspect my eye which was pretty swollen, i wash my face with some cold water and head back to my room to get ready for school which didn't take long. i take a deep breath before heading downstairs which lead to a sharp pain in my stomach, i grip onto my stomach before walking into the kitchen where the two kids were eating their breakfast and steve was buttering some toast. i didn't have a clue where lisa was though thank god.

"oh hi tommy" steve greets me before turning round and seeing my eye "christ, what happened there? did you have a fight?"

"um no, i just got angry at a game we were playing on xbox at my friends house" i lie, luckily i'm pretty great at telling lies so he believed me.

"alright well do you want some ice?" he offered.

"no i'll be fine" i shake my head.

"alright well i've got your tablets here, you wanna get some water and i'll give you them"

"alright" i nod heading over to the cupboard full of glasses and taking one out.

i fill it up with water and he hands me one, i quickly place it in my mouth and chug the water silently. i hated taking pills but i knew i had to because apparently i loose control of myself and that's not good for anyone.

"you guys ready for school then" he asks the younger two.

"yeah!" kasey exclaims while nathan silently nods.

"tommy we're going now but here's some toast" he hands me a plate with four slices of toast on "and lisa's upstairs if you need anything but make sure you leave on time"

"alright i will" i reply while taking a bite out of the toast.

i had begun to take a liking to steve, i mean i don't like the fact that he chose to marry a psycho but he still didn't know what she had been doing to me and i planned to keep it that way. i feel like if he found out he might do it me as well so i'd rather him not know.

once i finished my toast i looked at the clock and saw that it was time to leave but i didn't want to actually get to school yet so i decided on grabbing a packet of crisps and eating them before heading to the shop and buying more food, i had some loose change in my pocket that was from the week before that i spent on an energy drink and some sweets.

by the time i had arrived at school it was already half way through first lesson, i walked through the hallways eating my food and making my way to the head of year office because i had no clue what lesson i had.

"helloooo" i knocked on the door before walking in.

"why aren't you in lesson?" he asks.

"i just came in, what lesson have i got?"

"maths and what's happened to your eye?"

"got angry and punched myself"

"oh right" he nods "get to lesson then, you're already late"

"okay" i say while leaving the room and heading to my maths class which i was dreading.


sorry for not updating but last week
wasn't the greatest for me but i'm
back now and my updates will
probably be less consistent as
i'm working on my sbi oneshots

i know it's a little bit of self
promotion but if you like my
writing and sbi one shots then i
suggest reading it as requests are
open!! :D

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