- S E V E N T Y F O U R -

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~ tommys pov ~

today i was meeting my 'family', they aren't my family. we may have the same blood but that doesn't make them family, they are no where near family. they were called 'lisa' and 'steve', i probably met them when i lived with my parents but i was too young then to remember things like that.

"tommy you ready to go?!" puffy shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"yeah coming now!" i shout back, i grab my jacket off the door and put it on before going down the stairs painfully slow just to annoy puffy.

"hurry up tommy, they're waiting"

"good they can wait" i say.

"that's not very optimistic is it?"

"yeah i wonder why"

"go on tommy, you might enjoy it" phil adds.

"pft, i doubt it" i roll my eyes as i put my shoes on.

"right have you got everything?" puffy asks.

i sigh "yeah i think so, can we go now?"

"yep! come on" she said too optimistically for my liking.

"see ya later mate" phil hugged me.

"bye" i waved.

i left the house after puffy and closed the door following her to her car, i sat in the front passenger seat and turned on the radio which i have always done in her car.

"i know you're not happy about this but you know there is nothing i can do" puffy broke silence in the worst way possible.

"okay?" i say making the car going silent once again.

after around half an hour of driving we had arrived at my future 'house', it was quite big. a bit too big for my liking, i get out the car and walk over to the door very slowly once again just to annoy puffy.

"pick your feet up tommy" she tells me.

"fine" i shrug and speed up slightly.

she knocks on the door and a man who had brunette hair that was pushed to the side as well as brown eyes but the thing that stood out to me was his height, i don't know how tall he was but he was tall.

behind him was a woman who was much shorter than him, she had straight black hair as well as a fringe almost making her look younger than she was. it was obvious that was what she was going for anyway but it wasn't working, you could see right through it. i can at least.

"hi i'm steve and this is lisa!" he grinned a little too enthusiastically.

"oh um hi, im tommy" i struggled to get the words out making me mentally scold myself.

"would you like to come in?" she asks.

"yeah that would be great thanks" puffy smiles.

we go inside and i immediately see how rich they are, this was great but not as great as phil's house. it's all to clean and perfect for me though, i don't like things being like this. it makes it look like the house isn't actually a home, which it isn't to me but it apparently was for them.

"this is my son and your cousin, nathan and this is kasey"

"hi" i plaster a smile on my face.

"nathan is ten and kasey is six" she informs me.

"oh that's nice" i nod not knowing what to say.

"right do you want a tour then?"

i shrug "sure"

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