- T W E N T Y E I G H T -

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~ Tommys pov ~

I arrive in my first lesson which was English, in this class I was sitting next to Tubbo which was good because we got to catch up. We got our brand new books for this year and wrote our names on the front, my handwriting wasn't very neat in my opinion but it didn't bother me to be honest because I can read it.

My teacher introduced herself as Mrs. Moore, she wasn't the nicest of teachers because she wouldn't let us talk one word in class even when she wasn't talking and every time we did speak she said she would bring us back for a detention at break.

I hated teachers like her, I never got along with ones like this because I'm quite a chatty person so to be sitting there not speaking for one hour was like a chore to me.

~ T I M E • S K I P ~

About half an hour into the lesson, the head of year I met yesterday was at the door and seemed to be looking around for someone until her eyes landed on me.

"Excuse me miss, sorry for interrupting but can I take Tommy please?"

"Yes of course, will he be back?"

"No he won't" She looked back over to me "Bring your bag with you Tommy"

I stand up getting a confused look from Tubbo as I did so, he was clearly wondering why I was being taken but so was I so I just shrug before grabbing my bag and heading to the front of the class to where she was standing.

I leave the room and see Jake standing there aswell as everyone else that I snuck out with yesterday to buy food so it was quite obvious what this was about.

As we walked in silence to wherever we were going I stay behind the group slightly until there was another corridor I could slip down so when I saw the opportunity I silently left without her noticing.

I began running down the corridor as I got slightly further away as I knew she would realise soon, which she did.

"Tommy!" She shouted as I continued to run.

I knew she would've said something into the walkie talkie she had alerting the teachers that I was running so as soon as I turned a corner I walked silently down a corner. They didn't know my name or what I looked like so she couldn't exactly tell them who I was.

"Alright I'll keep an eye out" I heard a teacher walking my way say into his walkie talkie.

I avoided eye contact with him as I walked towards him but he stopped me in my tracks.

"Excuse me young man why are you out of lesson?"

"I've just got into school so I'm going to lesson now" I lie.

"Alright, make sure to be on time tomorrow"

"Will do sir" I nod as I continue to walk down the corridor until he was out of eye sight.

The thing is, I didn't know my way round this school yet so I decided to just go up some stairs and hope for the best. As I got to the top I realised I was in the maths area.

I look into one of the classrooms and see Techno sitting at his desk in the back of the room. His eyes immediately connect with mine, I wave to him as he puts his hands up, I immediately ran back down the stairs knowing he was coming after me.

Shit. Is all I thought

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