- O N E H U N D R E D & F O R T Y N I N E -

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cw/tw ~ mentions of physcosis

~ phil's pov ~

as soon as i saw tommy i knew he was going to be different to how i saw him last time but it still didn't seem real, the whole time i was texting and talking to him on the phone i didn't notice what was really going on and it made me feel worse.

as the boys walked upstairs together i sat down with puffy in the living room, i knew it would be difficult for him to regain trust with him right away but all three of us are willing to work on it slowly and i'm going to make sure that tommy never leaves us again.

"how's he holding up then?" i ask.

"he's not doing great" puffy sighs "has he ever mentioned an old lady when he was here last time?"

"yeah, he told us how she'd bake him cookies when he got home from school and she had a small dog but then when he was naughty at school a lot she sent him back, why?"

"she's not real" i furrow my eyebrows confused "about a year ago tommy had a really bad time in a foster home and started having physcosis and seeing things as well as hearing them, the things he sees and hears is the old lady"

"he calls her mable" she continues "she tells tommy things that aren't even true, that's one of the reasons he's being so distant, she's telling him that we don't care about him and he's believing it"

"has he got any medication for it?" i ask concerned.

"he did but then he stopped taking it so we are going to his physciatrist tomorrow to get some prescribed for him, i'll be picking him up at about half twelve"

"that's fine, i'll make sure he's ready"

"thank you phil, if anything happens please call me"

"of course" i nod "can i ask you a question?"

"sure, what is it?"

"tommy mentioned one time how he went 'crazy' once, was it because of this?"

"uhm yeah, he didn't go crazy like he said but he just likes to say that" she says "he had a freak out one night because of the voice and i won't go into detail but he hurt himself a lot which lead to him going to hospital"

"is he going to get like this now?"

"no, we didn't notice it before but he's getting medication early on this time"

"i'm glad he's getting medication" i reply "i just can't believe people would do this shit to him though, he's just a little boy"

"i know phil" she nods "no matter how many times i see it, it doesn't get easier, every time i see their broken faces it hurts"

"i know what you mean, whenever they get dropped off here it's heartbreaking"

she nodded in agreement before standing up "i've got to go now but please feel free to call me if you or tommy need anything, i know christmas is in a few days and this has all been put on you so please do call"

"of course i will, i already have a few presents that i bought for him when he was living with us so it should be fine but i'll let you know how it goes tonight"

"thank you phil, i really do appreciate everything you do for me every single kid that comes here"

"it's really the bare minimum but it seems like a lot because of the shitty people"

"i know" she smiles "i best get going then"

"it was great to see you"

"you too"

"do you want to say bye to tommy?"

"he doesn't seem to be the biggest fan of me at the moment, i'll speak to him tomorrow"


"bye phil!"

"bye puffy" i wave as she heads to her car.


sorry for not updating the past 2 days
but here is todays chapter <33

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