- F I F T Y S E V E N -

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~ Tommys pov ~

As I heard the front door close and Phil drive out the street I left my bedroom and made my way over to Wilburs room, I didn't knock like I usually did because I knew he was revising so he wasn't that busy.

"What do you want Tommy?" He turned around in his chair "Go back to your bedroom where you're supposed to be"

"Why are you being so boring?" I groan while letting myself collapse onto his bed.

"I'm not being boring, I just have things to do"

"Well I'm bored and probably grounded when Phil gets back so let's do something"

"Who's fault is it that your grounded?" I just ignore the question "Exactly so don't come bothering me and go change, you stink of cigarettes"

"Ugh whatever" I groan while getting up off his bed and leaving the room.

"Close the door!" He shouts as I make my way down the stairs.


"Prick!" He exclaims while slamming the door.

I laugh while going downstairs to search through the cupboards in the kitchen for something to eat which was harder than I thought but after a few minutes I found a packet of crisps, they were only ready salted. pretty basic flavour but at least they still tasted nice i guess.

After finishing them I threw my packet in the bin and went back upstairs into my room instead of Wilburs because he seemed pissed off when I went in earlier. I sat down at my desk and began drawing, I drew a person who I had seen before in my dreams.

She had blonde thick hair that went just below her shoulders, she was quite tall. taller than me by a lot anyway, she wore these rounded glasses that made her deep blue eyes stand out from a distance.

I wasn't sure who this woman was but I knew I had met her before, I just didn't know when and where I had met her. Maybe I saw her on the street? that couldn't be possible, her features were too engraved in my brain for her to be a stranger.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard keys entering the front door and people stepping inside, Phil was home, great. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs, except it wasn't Phil it's was Techno and he was getting closer and closer to my bedroom door.

he knocked on the door and I shouted "go away Techno!"

"No" he answered standing in the doorway.

"what do you want? can you not go to your own room?"

"I wanted to talk to you" he sat down on my bed as I spun round in my chair.

"about what?"

"I think you know don't you?" I just nodded in response knowing what this would be about "Why would you decide to do that? you're thirteen years old"

"yes I know I'm thirteen but you're not the boss of me" I groan "also, why do you not say anything to Wilbur but when I do it, it's a big deal"

"wait" he paused "wilburs been smoking? when did this happen?"

"I don't know" I shrugged "I would've thought you knew, Phil knows"

"I'll talk to you about this later, I've gotta go speak to Wilbur" he looked mad.

"T-techno? what are you gonna do" I panicked, he had the look of my old foster 'carer'.

"oh no, no, don't worry I'm not gonna do anything bad I'm just gonna talk to him alright?" he softened his voice while I nodded in understanding.

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