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~ technos pov ~

why would he say that? i know he was mad but it still hurt, he knew i always thought it was my fault. he always told me it wasn't but what if he lied all them times? what if phil and all them therapists lied as well?

the only thing my body chose to do was attack him, i don't know why but i had no control over what i was doing. it was odd and i didn't know what to do, it's happened before but it's different because it was wilbur. my brother who i went through everything with, i just attacked.

everything was a blur until i realised dad was pulling me off of wilbur and into the other room.

"whats all that about techno?" he shouted at me "why are you fighting your brother?"

"because he's being a dick!"

"and you think that's a reason to go for him?"

"well- i don't know, it's all a blur" i sigh avoiding eye contact "he said that i was the reason we were put up for adoption"

"he shouldn't of said that but you shouldn't of fought him either" i just nodded "i'll go speak to him soon, are you alright? are you hurt"

"no i'm fine, just go make sure wilburs alright"

"okay mate, let me know if you need anything"

he smiles sympathetically before leaving the room, leaving me all alone in the room. i didn't know what to do, i just sat there in silence listening to everything going on outside and inside the house.

i heard dad and tommy going downstairs and talking as they went down, i'm glad tommy got him while he did because it could've got a lot worse if he didn't get there while he did.

~ T I M E • S K I P ~

after a few hours of staying in my room just on my phone i hear a knock on the door, i ignore it and hear the door open slightly to reveal tommy standing there in the doorway.

"techno?" he whispers as it was quite late.

"what do you need tommy?" i ask while sitting up

"i can't sleep" he admits "you scared me today"

"i'm sorry, come here" i pat next the space next to me.

he walks over to me and lies down next to me, he was holding his cow plushy that he had when he first got here. i hadn't seen it since then so it surprised me to see it again.

"nice plushy" i told him.

"thanks, my mum and dad gave it to me when i was younger"

"what's it name?"

"henry, it was my dads name"

"i bet you miss them don't you?"

he nodded "yeah, i don't remember them much but i do miss them lots, the foster system is awful"

"i know buddy but you're out of there now, that's the main thing"

he hummed in agreement "techno?"


"what was it like when phil adopted you?"

"it didn't seem real, it was mine and wilburs eighth birthday and we were so excited for our first real birthday in a nice home" i smiled at the memory "dad pulled out two envelopes and when we opened it, it didn't seem real"

"i wish that would happen to me" he frowned slightly.

"it'll happen eventually don't worry"

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