- N I N E T Y F O U R -

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~ phils pov ~

"no techno, stay awake for me" i shake him while repositioning the phone so it wouldn't slip "he's passed out what shall i do?"

"stay with him till the paramedics arrive and keep applying pressure on the wounds" the operator instructed which i followed along with.

as i continued to apply pressure i hear a knock at the door and then movement downstairs "i think they're here"

moments later two paramedics came in with first aid kits and i was pulled away to the side "are they with you sir?"

"yeah, thank you"

"no problem, goodbye"

"yeah, bye" i slip my phone back into my pocket and watch over them as they check his pulse and wrap up his arms.

they had a stretcher which he was then lifted onto, i followed behind them as they went downstairs to see schlatt with tommy and wilbur although i'm not sure where tubbo was.

"do you want me to meet you there or stay here with them?" he asks me as we go further away from the kids.

"i think it's best if they stay here tonight, it'll already be too overwhelming for techno so i don't think he needs more stress"

"alright will do, i'll see you later"

"make sure the two of them are alright please, see you later"

i jump into the back of the ambulance and the door is closed behind me, i sat there next to techno holding his hand while rubbing my thumb over the same area repeatedly. the woman was watching over techno but to be honest it was all sort of a blur i just hoped that he was okay, i sat and watched as he laid there unconscious with an oxygen mask on his face.

techno soon came around and was beginning to wake up which was a good sign to all of us, i let out a sigh of relief as i see his eyes open slowly. his face was pale and he looked ill, how could i not notice that he did this? i'm his father and i didn't even notice.

"dad?" he whispers, his throat was dry making it hard for him to talk.

"yeah mate i'm right here" i smile and he tries to move towards me "don't move, we are almost at the hospital now"

"i'm tired"

"i know techno but you gotta stay awake alright?"

"okay" he sleepily said and i gave him a sympathetic smile.

i turn to the paramedic "how much longer will we be?"

"we are just round the corner"

"alright thanks"

the ambulance does a short turn before coming to a complete halt and the doors are opened, shortly after techno is pulled out of it on the bed and taken to a room. unfortunately they wouldn't let me through immediately because they had to ask questions as well as needing to sign some things.

"so techno has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, correct?" the doctor asks as he writes down something on his notepad.

"yeah, he's been diagnosed for a few years now" i nod.

"do you know if he has stopped taking his medication recently?"

"i'm not sure, he's not all that keen on them but i do try to get him to take them"

"alright thank you, technos just getting all cleaned up by the nurses but when he's done you can see him"

"thank you doctor"

"no problem" he smiled before walking round the corner to god knows where.

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