- O N E H U N D R E D & T H I R T Y O N E -

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cw/tw - abuse & bodyshaming

~ tommys pov ~

i got home and let's just say lisa wasn't happy, for some reason the others were out which was great. i really didn't need her shouting at me now, i was hungover and felt so ill but i knew what was coming.

"come upstairs now! your clothes stink, you skinny prick" she shouted.

i groaned from the sound of her shouting "can you not wait, please?"

"don't you dare give me attitude" she grabbed my wrist and practically dragged me up the stairs to my room "i knew what you were doing when you went and i won't have it, you're just like your father"

"don't talk about my dad"

"or what, you gonna ring puffy and tell her what i've done? she won't believe you, you're just some dumb child that no one loves"

my ears were ringing, my head was hurting so bad and i wanted her to stop. tears began to form in my eyes but i held them back, i didn't want to make it seem like i'm weak because i'm not.

"just get it over and done with then!" i reply, i knew how it would end. it always ends the same, i don't know why i had so much hope this time that they would be different because they're all the same. trust no one.

"i will!"

she walks over to me and begins to punch me, it hurt so bad but i wouldn't give in. i never do, i always kept a straight face no matter what because if you show weakness they do it more.

i force out a laugh "that's the best you can do?"

"oh you think you're tough? put on a few stone and maybe you'll be a little stronger then"

the comments about my weight hurt, no matter how hard i'd try in the past to gain any bit of muscle or fat it would always fail. i didn't let her comments get to me and took the hits.

she punched me in the face at one point which took me by surprise because they often want the bruises to be hidden but she obviously didn't care, i don't know why i thought it would be a good idea to move her either. not that it was my choice but i told phil and everyone else that i wanted to leave and i didn't.

"if anyone asks you about these bruises you tell them that you did them yourself alright?" she tells me sternly.

"what?" i ask.

"you have them anger problems so you're going to tell anyone who asks that you that you got angry and hit yourself, if you tell them any different i'll hurt you even more"

"fine" i sigh trying not to move because of the pain it would cause me "what do i say to steve?"

"say the same, say you were at your friends house playing a xbox game or whatever you kids play and you got angry"

"okay" i nod "can you leave now please?"

"what, so you can go cry like a baby? sure i'll happily do that, make sure you get them clothes cleaned and have a wash as well, i don't need you smelling like shit in my house"

"alright" i reply as she slams the door shut making me flinch at the sound.

i climb into my bed groaning at every move that i make, my body was aching. my stomach was rumbling but the thought of eating made me feel sick along side the throbbing pain in my left eye which took a strong hit, the woman did have a strong hit.


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