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cw/tw ~ underage smoking, cigarettes

~ Wilburs pov ~

I rang my dad to pick Tommy up, I wasn't going to tell Sally or her mum the real reason he wasn't staying for tea because I don't know if Tommy wants them to know or not. I just told them that he wasn't feeling well which he went along with pretty well.

"Hiya will, everything alright? How come your calling?"

"Um Tommys not feeling well, can you come pick him up?" I lie, even though I was in another room they still might hear me.

"Yeah sure mate, you at Sallys?" I hummed in response "Alright I'll be about five minutes so tell Tommy to put his shoes on and get ready"

"Alright, bye"

"Bye!" He ends the call before I do.

I leave the room and enter the one that they were all in, Tommy was sat on one couch with Bear and Sallys mum while Sally sat on a couch on her own. I took a seat on the couch smiling at Sally as I sat next to her.

"What did Phil say?" Tommy asks.

"He said he'll be here in five minutes so get your shoes on or whatever"

"Okay, I will when he gets here"

"That defeats the purpose of getting ready Tommy"

"Whatever Wilbur" he rolls his eyes.

"Fine then make him wait"

"I will" He crossed his arms.

After the slightly awkward silence Sallys mum, Ruby cleared her throat before saying "So how was school today?"

I gave Tommy a side look as he said "I had a fight" he seemed quite proud of himself, reminding me of Techno when we were younger.

"Oh that's not good is it?" She chuckled.

"He started it though, he said stuff about my friends"

"The real question here is, did you win?"

"Of course I did, he had a bloody nose and everythi-" He was interrupted by the honk of dad's horn outside "Phil's here, bye"

We said a string of goodbyes to him before hearing a slam of a door a few moments later.

"Right" Ruby closed her magazine "I'm going to start dinner"

"Alright" Sally turned to me "Shall we go upstairs?"

"Yeah sure" I nod.

We all get out of our places on the couch and part ways, us going upstairs and Ruby going to the kitchen. We arrive in Sallys room and i instantly flop down onto her bed as she closes the door.

"Want a cig?" She asks as she pulls a pack and a lighter out of her pocket.

"Yeah go on" I put my hand out which she almost instantly places one cigarette in.

She opens her window and we both stand hanging out of it slightly. She lights mine for me and I place it between my lips while inhaling before exhaling all the smoke, coughing slightly.

She laughed at me as I did so "Stop laughing, I haven't smoked in while"

After her laughing died down she began talking again "I'm thinking of buying a vape you know?"

"Oh yeah, who you getting that from?"

"Nick sells them doesn't he?"

"Really?" I raise an eyebrow "He didn't seem like the type of person to do that stuff"

"I know I was surprised but oh well" She shrugged

"How much is one?"

"Fifteen quid"

"Does that mean you're quitting cigarettes"


"You better give me the rest of your pack then"

"Only because I love you" She smiled while kissing me on the lips.

"I love you too" I pulled her into my side.

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