- E I G H T Y O N E -

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cw/tw - mentions of past abuse

~ technos pov ~

it upset me to hear tommy talking about his day so positively, i know he had to go and there's nothing i can do. at least i could still text him and things like that but it's not the same, i mean i could always visit him but he would've probably moved on by then and forgotten about us.

"look it's me and my dad" he smiled.

"that's nice buddy" i return the smile.

"yeah, i miss them"

i look up to dad and see him sharing the same expression as me, we both felt bad for tommy. he was obviously missing his parents a lot and i don't blame him, i miss mine too but there's nothing i could do to bring them back.

i watch dad comfort tommy as he slowly breaks down into tears, he whispers comforting words into his ears to calm him down. i wish i would be able to show empathy towards people and not find it hard, it seems to come so easy to dad and wilbur but for some reason i just can't.

"how about you go put this box in your room and change out of your uniform?" dad suggests "then we can do whatever you like"

"really?" he looked up with wide eyes.

"yeah" dad nodded "hurry up and we can figure out what we can watch"

i watch as he leaped out of his chair and darted upstairs, i'm guessing he never got to chose what to watch in the other houses so when he had the opportunity to chose a film he took it.

~ T I M E • S K I P ~

after a few minutes tommy came back downstairs with a hoodie and jogging bottoms on just like me, he took a seat on the sofa in between me and dad.

we decided to watch alvin and the chipmunks, well i saw 'we' when i really mean tommy while me and dad just agreed to it not wanting to argue with him.

"so do you like where you're going to be staying tommy?" i ask and dad gives me a look to say 'why would you ask that?'

he nods "yeah it's alright, it's not where i'd prefer to live but it's better than going back into care"

"so where would you prefer to stay?"

"here, the food is actually nice here unlike there" he chuckled "i felt like i was going to throw up when i was eating it"

"i doubt it was that bad tommy" dad smirked.

"oh it was phil, you should've seen it" he exclaimed "it looked looked like lasagna but don't let that fool you, when you bit into it the inside of your mouth will turn into a Sahara desert!"

i laughed at how he described the food but grimaced at how he was describing it, it sounded awful.

"alright tommy that's enough, you didn't tell them all this did you?"

"no they'd probably hit me or something" he chuckled after frowning for a quick second.

he probably thought no one noticed but i did, he may have laughed but he wasn't joking. he was being serious, he was genuinely afraid that they would hit him for not eating the food.

"you don't mean that tommy" dad said in a more serious tone.

"well what do you expect, in the other houses they would've so why would they not do it now?"

"they are your family tommy, you shouldn't even think of that"

"yes i know they're my family but doesn't mean i can't think of them things, i can't control what goes on up there can i?" he points to his head.

"right, techno you go upstairs or just out of her i need to have a word with tommy" dad ordered me


i get up off the sofa and make my way out the living room, as i get outside i hear them begin to talk but decide not to be nosey and head upstairs.

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